CYMOS - CY64 Mock OS
A mock OS for SmileBASIC 3
Jewel Version
Interactive Desktop Enviornment
A 3D engine with model editor
Th. GRP Editor (trans)
A better, more precise, button controlled sprite/bg editor. (Author: Th. Translator: LohadL)
Random's Big Dumb Library + Map Editor
A bunch of functions that might be helpful? Also a map editor.
R-OS Bee, The Definitive R-OS with a Fresh Coat of Bees.
R-OS Saturn, faster and better than ever!
SmileBASIC Obfuscator
Automate SmileBASIC code through a variety of options.
eZSB Toolkit: SmileBASIC Made eZ
Helps makes games easier and quicker than ever before! Even in 3D (MODE 7)
Lowerdash Beta
Lowerdash is an object-oriented language extension for SmileBasic v3.
3DS OS Home Edition
Begin a new OS... Begin using 3DS OS today!
PRG Shuffle
The second worst thing ever made.
Improved Chip-8 Emulator
Play chip-8 games in SmileBASIC
File Search Tool
View and search for files
Petit Converter ver. 0.7.7 β (SB4)
Run SB3 programs on SB4!
The OS to end all OS's
Transfer PRGs, GRPs, DATs, and MORE over local wireless communications!
Perspective Starfield Test
Travel back to the 80s through space and time (or maybe just a demo effect).