Might make SBS readonly: thread

SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」

Root / General / [.]

If they're opening the keyboard, they're probably doing it on purpose, so I don't see the point in disabling it.
You're playing Tetris with a friend. They have the right joy con, you have the left one. They push minus and cover your half of the screen. It would be prudent to disable the keyboard from appearing until the round is over.

They could also just cover your side of the screen with their hand lol

They could also just cover your side of the screen with their hand lol
But then you could move their hand out of the way, while it's harder to move the keyboard.

Yeah it would've been simple to just make a second pass through the bytecode to replace label addresses when possible. The reason it uses the nametable is because if you have something like: GOTO @A @A with GOTO @A, it checks for @A in the table, doesn't find it, and so it adds an entry (but without an address set), and outputs bytecode using the position of that item in the nametable. then when it reaches @A, it finds that in the nametable so it fills in the address. But for some reason, even if the label is BEFORE the goto, it still does this.
Does it matter for same labels... i forgot if you can have say @LOOP in every function if that is where the confusion is. Probably prepends it with func name or lots of nametables. No idea.

You're playing Tetris with a friend. They have the right joy con, you have the left one. They push minus and cover your half of the screen. It would be prudent to disable the keyboard from appearing until the round is over.
The benefit of local multiplayer is that you always have the option of punching them in the jaw if they try that shit. Plus, it would be blatantly obvious to everyone in the room, including you, that they only won by cheating. This isn't like online multiplayer, where there's a record of their "win" on an online leaderboard. They're not exactly gaining anything by "winning" here.

I hope that SmileBasic 4 releases in USA when I finish saving for the Switch xD

I hope that SmileBasic 4 releases in USA when I finish saving for the Switch xD
Me too

Hi all. First post, just joined, etc. What's the rule for posting PetitCom4 games, here? This site currently feels like it's targeted at the 3DS edition more than any other, so I'm just wondering where I can plonk all my lovely Switch games without breaking the vibe of the site. Thoughts/etc are welcome. In the meantime, I'll just pop this link here Thanks :D

Yes you are allowed to. Just put [SWITCH] in the title for clarification. You dont have to, it's just nicer that way. As long as you make it clear that is for switch on the project page. And also, welcome to SmileBASIC Source!

Neat, thanks. I'll see about flooding the site with my games, later, then :D

I took a look at your website, that is a staggering output pace, great job! Welcome to the site. I imagine this site's focus will shift once the Switch version is out in the US and or Europe. If it ever comes out, I hope to see Fuze Basic stuff too. Assuming it can be shared reasonably.

I took a look at your website, that is a staggering output pace, great job! Welcome to the site. I imagine this site's focus will shift once the Switch version is out in the US and or Europe. If it ever comes out, I hope to see Fuze Basic stuff too. Assuming it can be shared reasonably.
It probably will shift. I just hope it shifts to both SB3 and SB4, and not SB4 being the main focus. This is because I'm probably not getting a switch any time soon, but eventually I might.

I've been looking at that Submission page for the past ten minutes or so, and.. I'm really not comfortable with "breaking" the functionality of the site. If people want Switch games, there's currently no way to list them other than "knowing" to put [Switch] into the search, and .. if I'm honest, by the time the Switch option is added, I might have an alarming number of games to go back and edit!! (I already do!!) For the meantime, all my game links will just live on, on my own site. ( I'll pop a link in my sig.. That's allowed, right?!) I'll try to become a "proper" member of this forum, but (as you can no doubt imagine from my output) I don't have a lot of time to be as active as most proper members would be. But I'll stick around, and as the site inevitably evolves, I'll start making full use my super-epic spamming abilities, and filling up the database with my insanity. :D -=-=- Generating as much content as I do, it's hard not to look like anything more than a spambot. I'm just making little games because I enjoy doing that. And I know the results can be offputting to people. "Oh, it's him again, spamming about another game." Also, people see "AGameAWeek" and instantly think "That must be a rubbish little game if it only took a few days" I strive to make my games as playable as possible. Even if only in five minute spurts of fun, those few minutes should be as engaging as possible. That's what AGameAWeek means, to me. To bring a little fun and excitement to people. I apologise if, in the future, I end up looking like spam, and promise this is not intentional. Thanks for letting me play. Jayenkai

Seeing as how you have made a bunch of games is there a limit to the number of keys on SmileBasic Switch like there is for the 3DS? We only get ten or so on the 3ds

You get 10 keys, but can buy more from the eShop. ONLY your Japanese account can currently buy those, though, since the none-Japanese eShops don't have them. And, since you can't move code from one account to the other, you NEED to use your Japanese account in order to properly use the program. Not quite sure how well things will transfer once the worldwide release has happened!

I've been looking at that Submission page for the past ten minutes or so, and.. I'm really not comfortable with "breaking" the functionality of the site. If people want Switch games, there's currently no way to list them other than "knowing" to put [Switch] into the search
Counterpoint: please break it so that randomous is forced to add the functionality

I've been looking at that Submission page for the past ten minutes or so, and.. I'm really not comfortable with "breaking" the functionality of the site. If people want Switch games, there's currently no way to list them other than "knowing" to put [Switch] into the search
Counterpoint: please break it so that randomous is forced to add the functionality
randomous: SBS' official code monkey. (i love you rand no offense)


Hey, I've played Flappadiddle. Welcome.

Counterpoint: please break it so that randomous is forced to add the functionality
As the creator of my own forum/coding/showcase site .. I know just how frustrating it can be when users force your hand to make a change. If anything, it makes you LESS likely to bother to do it!!