
SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」

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How does one suppress LOAD, LOADG and LOADV dialogs in SB4? The built-in English help doesn't mention this at all and I can't read Japanese to look at the website...
I think one of the parameters is a flag for dialogue. Edit: Apparently not.

How does one suppress LOAD, LOADG and LOADV dialogs in SB4? The built-in English help doesn't mention this at all and I can't read Japanese to look at the website...
They don't exist anymore.

That's strange. I'm sure it appeared earlier... Perhaps I wasn't paying attention and mistook an error message for a confirmation?

Further Linkage Release date : 23rd April 2020

Wow, there's even a trailer! https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/SmileBASIC-4-1763115.html I caught a glimpse of Versus Buffalo in there.

US eShop page: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/smilebasic-4-switch/ I like the sales pitch/introduction to SmileBASIC page: https://www.petc4.smilebasic.com/academy?lang=en Other new resources: BASIC spec page: https://www.petc4.smilebasic.com/spec?lang=en SmileBASIC 4 promotional trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTsfdJYd5Uo

That's great!

I caught a glimpse of Versus Buffalo in there.
Hey that's wonderful! I question their decision to use the footage where a bichon frise gets shot with a revolver but no such thing as bad press. I also see a hanzosoft cameo and Depoly shows up more than once. Nice to see some familiar faces in the official trailer no less

Really nice! The specs and the commands are very strong in my eyes. Can't wait to port my stuff to SB4. (I'm a bit hyped about it) Yet I have to wait for my Switch (Lite) to come in 3 months. :(
Why a Switch Lite?Even though I could have bought a regular Switch, the Switch Lite does support USB hubs and SB4 has Handheld mode. Plus, because the dock and the ability to dock are scrapped, it's much cheaper which is good considering I don't have much money.

There might be more than SB4 to be excited for ;)

I am very interested in Smile Basic 4 for the Switch but I have a query. is it true the max resolution is 1280x720? That is the handheld res, but when docked you should be able to use 1920x1080? I know Fuze 4 Switch does use 1920x1080 if you wish. if this is not there at launch, would it be coming in a future patch? Thank you

I am very interested in Smile Basic 4 for the Switch but I have a query. is it true the max resolution is 1280x720? That is the handheld res, but when docked you should be able to use 1920x1080? I know Fuze 4 Switch does use 1920x1080 if you wish. if this is not there at launch, would it be coming in a future patch? Thank you
No. The max resolution is 720p.

SmileBASIC 4 has been out in Japan for almost a year now, so a 1080p update probably isn't happening. I'm pretty sure going with 720p was a conscious choice on their part to avoid having to worry about different resolutions in different modes. This is especially important now that the Switch Lite is a thing. It'd be bad if someone wrote a program that only worked in 1080p because they never tested it in handheld mode.

There might be more than SB4 to be excited for ;)
Wdym? Also, I'm kind of sad that it's $25. I don’t have $25 :(

I've barely used 1280x720. The program defaults to 400x240, a resolution you're already familiar with. You can change it to any res (more or less, up to the 1280x720 limit) and it should scale to the screen well enough. My games tend to run at 424x240, so that I get the nice low-res from the 3DS, but slightly wider to fill out a little bit more of the wider screen. My defaults are.. XScreen 424,240,2 TScreen 16,8

I'll vouch it's worth the full $25. Even if you have to wait a while to save up. (Especially since it's an investment towards free games and software.)

I'll vouch it's worth the full $25. Even if you have to wait a while to save up. (Especially since it's an investment towards free games and software.)
It's $30 if you buy it with a server ticket, isn't it?

I'll vouch it's worth the full $25. Even if you have to wait a while to save up. (Especially since it's an investment towards free games and software.)
I'm actually doing cleaning for money. Also, about the server ticket, is it a subscription sort of deal like the gold membership? Because I don't want to pay $5 every now and then just to upload a single program. Or is it something that you always have once you get it?