Thanks for the translation help. Still not sure what to make for the contest. I do however have another set of questions. Has anyone ported Sim30n's Sim3D to SmileBasic 4?
I was thinking of maybe trying to get my Combat 3d game going again. That runs on Sim3D, and I didn't want to redo work or step on someone's toes if they would rather I not take a stab at it. Considering the free time I have, someone else might start after me and finish faster too.
I was also wondering if using another person's library would be frowned on for the contest.
Fixing up my Find the Exit game as a new platformer was another idea I had. If anyone has a preference of game let me know. I am guessing an English language text adventure would fare poorly. I was also thinking maybe a side scrolling shmup.
SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」
A while back, I did take a few minutes to try porting this Minecraft clone proof of concept, and though I didn't actually finish it (mostly because it makes use of the touch screen and so on), I did get it mostly working, enough for me to say that Sim3D wouldn't be hard to port at all.
The bulk of it wouldn't need to be changed. Graphics commands are largely the same, ARYOP and friends still exist. It's just minor things like replacing TRUE with #TRUE, replacing old commands like GPAGE, things like that.
A while back, I did take a few minutes to try porting this Minecraft clone proof of concept, and though I didn't actually finish it (mostly because it makes use of the touch screen and so on), I did get it mostly working, enough for me to say that Sim3D wouldn't be hard to port at all. The bulk of it wouldn't need to be changed. Graphics commands are largely the same, ARYOP and friends still exist. It's just minor things like replacing TRUE with #TRUE, replacing old commands like GPAGE, things like that.Honestly I kinda wish there was a tool for suggestion compatibility changes like that. Something like this:

I had some extra time to peek inside RomFS.
The .arc files in ui/jp contain layout and texture files (in subfolders blyt and timg, respectively). Switch-Toolbox currently errors when I attempt to open the layout files.
ui/jp/petc4text.dat contains dialog text. String offsets start at 208 and end at 2624.
basic/jp contains data for the builtin programs:
│ ├── TEX1TEXT
│ ├── TEX2CALC
├── #GUIDE
│ ├── GDEFFONT24
│ ├── GF000.PNG
│ ├── GF001.PNG
│ ├── GF002.PNG
│ ├── GF003.PNG
│ ├── GF004.PNG
│ ├── GF005.PNG
│ ├── GF006.PNG
│ ├── GF007.PNG
│ ├── GF008.PNG
│ ├── GF009.PNG
│ ├── GF010.PNG
│ ├── GF011.PNG
│ ├── GF012.PNG
│ ├── GF013.PNG
│ ├── GF014.PNG
│ ├── GF015.PNG
│ ├── GF016.PNG
│ ├── GF017.PNG
│ ├── GF018.PNG
│ ├── GGUIDE
│ ├── GP000.PNG
│ ├── GP001.PNG
│ ├── GP002.PNG
│ ├── GP003.PNG
│ ├── GP004.PNG
│ ├── GP005.PNG
│ ├── GP006.PNG
│ ├── GP007.PNG
│ ├── GP008.PNG
│ ├── GP009.PNG
│ ├── GP010.PNG
│ ├── GP011.PNG
│ ├── GP012.PNG
│ ├── GP013.PNG
│ ├── GP014.PNG
│ ├── GP015.PNG
│ ├── GT000.PNG
│ ├── GT001.PNG
│ ├── GT002.PNG
│ ├── GT003.PNG
│ ├── GT004.PNG
│ ├── GT005.PNG
│ ├── GT006.PNG
│ ├── GT007.PNG
│ ├── TG00.TXT
│ ├── TG01.TXT
│ ├── TG02.TXT
│ ├── TG03.TXT
│ ├── TG04.TXT
│ ├── TG05.TXT
│ ├── TG06.TXT
│ ├── TG07.TXT
│ ├── TG08.TXT
│ ├── TG09.TXT
│ ├── TG10.TXT
│ ├── TG11.TXT
│ ├── TS00.TXT
│ ├── TT00.TXT
│ ├── TT01.TXT
│ ├── TT02.TXT
│ ├── TT49.TXT
│ ├── TT50.TXT
│ ├── TX00.TXT
│ ├── TX01.TXT
│ ├── TX02.TXT
│ └── TX03.TXT
├── #SYS
│ ├── GBIGFONT16
│ ├── GDEFBG32
│ ├── GDEFBG64
│ ├── GPARTS
└── #TOOL
4 directories, 103 files
help/jp/HelpData.dat contains data for the help menu.
In some email services, you can add dots or plus signs to "disguise" your email as a different one. For example, a "disguised" email for "" could be "".That's the really easy part. All you need is a spare email address. Hop over to and be sure to log out, then head to and sign up as new but with your different email address. Then simply add that new user as a second account on your Switch. The absolute worst that happens is your Switch's news-feed now gets bombarded with unreadable Japanese news articles!!In fact, you don't even need a spare email address if you know how to use tempmail.
In fact, anything you add after the + is ignored, so you could use, and use it to help track which websites are feeding the spambots..
But in this case, I opted to use an alt email account, in case Nintendo ever bothered to check for it, and start getting nasty about it, or if I ever forgot my login details, and needed to use the email address again, but couldn't remember exactly what I'd typed!
It's handy if you don't necessarily need the email again in future, but can be quirky if you do..
But in this case, I opted to use an alt email account, in case Nintendo ever bothered to check for it, and start getting nasty about itWhy wouldn't Nintendo want you doing this? The only reason they don't allow the same email for two accounts is because it would confuse their servers (for example, if you need to reset your password, which account would you be resetting the password for?). Using a "disguised" email assigns that version of the email to the alt account, so when resetting your password, entering the "disguised" email sends a reset for the alt account, and the original email would send a reset for the original account.
Sometimes companies can get tetchy about that sort of thing, and given Nintendo's insane rules for anti-cheating and the like (eg, you can't upload saves for some games, incase you use that to cheat) then I can see them also getting uppity about this, too.
Eg, imagine you upload a MarioMaker level, then run through your 100 alternate accounts liking the level, to boost the ranking..
It's those kinds of things that Nintendo tends to freak out about, and should probably be at the forefront of your decision making during these sorts of situation.
In essence, always assume the worst, and then work backwards from there!
(For those interested in my reason for editing, I replaced a second instance of 'things" with the word "situation", because I didn't like how I'd written the work "things" twice in the same sentence, like that..)
I am certainty excited for SB4 in English... I just hope that it will actually happen since I felt burned from SMILE BASIC BIG on Wii U never coming out in N.A.
Do you know if there is a way to use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with the Nintendo Switch (and NSLite)?
I most certainly hope that SMILE BASIC 4 will be in the rumored Nintendo Direct in a week/early March. I really will need English in game assistance to make much use out of it.
I am certainty excited for SB4 in English... I just hope that it will actually happen since I felt burned from SMILE BASIC BIG on Wii U never coming out in N.A. Do you know if there is a way to use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse with the Nintendo Switch (and NSLite)? I most certainly hope that SMILE BASIC 4 will be in the rumored Nintendo Direct in a week/early March. I really will need English in game assistance to make much use out of it.You may need to use an adapter, if your keyboard comes with one.
seems like update 4.3.0, released today, features an English language switch
English has been added as a supported language. If you change the language used in Nintendo Switch to a language other than Japanese, the display language in Petit Con 4 will be switched to English.also, English web reference manual:
also also ogiri 5 results:
Young Lion Award - "TOISH" by スズキ
TSUKUMO Award, "selected by Kazunori Komagata, Executive Officer of Project White Inc."
Depoly, 刀削麺(とうしょうめん), VERSUS BUFFALO, しゅっとび実験室, しゅっ球, BUG SHUT, HAKASE_SHU V0.1, METEORSTORM, ティシュート, にゃんこだいせんせぇ
TSUKUMO Grand Prize - "ReflectionForce" by kt.
Bronze Award - "VERSUS BUFFALO" by Kantack
Silver Award - "刀削麺(とうしょうめん)" (knife-cut noodles) by shihikoch
Gold Award - "Depoly" by Nathaniel (identified by uploader Scrubz_jp)
Ogiri Grand Prize - "ごぼうをまっすぐそだてるゲーム" by アマノハシダテ
winners were instructed to contact smileboom via email.
seems like update 4.3.0, released today, features an English language switch is awesome! I'm really very excited about this. It makes me think that Smile basic 4 might be unveiled in the next Nintendo direct! Thank you very much for the update, and I might change my plans to wait for an official release if English is now supported. (But I have to wait until after animal crossing fever calms down a tiny bit in April.English has been added as a supported language. If you change the language used in Nintendo Switch to a language other than Japanese, the display language in Petit Con 4 will be switched to English.also, English web reference manual:
EDIT: Overload ModeIs this easy to run into? I'm guessing because of the strain on the switch processor that the system would over heat, and this is why this protection was added. Do we know of any cases of this happening already since the launch?
Looks like the next contest will happen after the overseas release, if I'm reading this correctly. So the release might be sooner that you'd think. (Or the contest might be later than you'd think.)
GPUTCHRP function does not have a help page yet, so to explain it:
GPUTCHRP for drawing takes the exact same parameters as GPUTCHR but draws the text like it was a proportional font. To do this, it appears that blank space is removed from the left and right sides of the characters and a 1px gap (before scaling) is padded between the characters so they aren't touching. This is how it can work with any existing font (presumably; I've checked with both default fonts.) Note that the gap is always inserted after the width adjustment, so characters that would touch at the sides in monospace, like the box drawing symbols, will be drawn with a 1px gap between them; these symbols aren't intended to be mixed in proportional text anyway, so it's not a big deal.
So people drawing custom fonts can continue drawing them to look nice in monospace and GPUTCHRP will apply this adjustment automatically. This doesn't give you much control over the character spacing and alignment like the monospace text would but it's an option to make text look a bit nicer. Maybe you can realign symbols and use 1% opacity pixels to force the algorithm to leave more empty space, for symbols like punctuation.
There's also a mode to check the width of the text when drawn in GPUTCHRP.
They killed my son, they didn't fix function key games.
GPUTCHRP(text[,font[,scalex,scaley]])This returns the width in pixels of the text when drawn in proportional mode with the given font and scale settings. There is no equivalent for normal GPUTCHR because that's a simple calculation anyone can do. In other text related news, they fixed the "bug" that font changes didn't affect the editor. I assumed this was by design but enough people must've complained about it.

Oh neat, they added font kerning? That's a nice touch. (I'm glad they did it now, I was planning to write my own function for that again.)
Still no sign of Docked/Handheld detection, which is a bit of a bummer. Hope that eventually gets added in
The contest is already over, guess I missed it. Oh well.
English support! Huzza!! I look forward to downloading the update, maybe I will use it more now.
My mind is blown and I have eaten my words. Many thanks! Has that always been there, or was it patched in?SYSPARAM("TVMODE")0 handheld mode 1 docked