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SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」

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Wow. SB4 is really awesome. Does anyone have translations for the tutorials?

I had to buy a gift card with my gift card
Speaking of terrifying hacks, I got my Arduboy to work with SmileBASIC 4 as a Keyboard/Mouse combo, using this person's code (slightly modified) Video here It doesn't quite work!™

How do I load fonts?

How do I load fonts?
LOADG "file", #GRPF

How do I load fonts?
LOADG "file", #GRPF

PARTS GRP, containing the software keyboard graphics.

What project has the keyboard program and smile tools?

Has anyone been able to find a function guide for SB4? I thought there would be a built in one but they only seem to list the functions in the help menu.

PARTS GRP, containing the software keyboard graphics.
Where do you find this? Is it accessible to the user somehow/can it be modified?

PARTS GRP, containing the software keyboard graphics.
Where do you find this? Is it accessible to the user somehow/can it be modified?
You can change your project to the system folders. Just type in FILES "//", then look for the folders with the # in front of their names. Unfortunately, I think they're read-only.

PARTS GRP, containing the software keyboard graphics.
Where do you find this? Is it accessible to the user somehow/can it be modified?
You can change your project to the system folders. Just type in FILES "//", then look for the folders with the # in front of their names. Unfortunately, I think they're read-only.
Whoa can we make files read only?

No those are the system folders

Dang I mean I don't really care that much but to make games un-cheatable

Dang I mean I don't really care that much but to make games un-cheatable
Fun fact: SmileBoom actually considered this for SmileBASIC 3, but then they decided not to add this functionality, possibly because it would discourage people from learning how to code because they wouldn’t be able to see the code in a program that was read-only.

Dang I mean I don't really care that much but to make games un-cheatable
Fun fact: SmileBoom actually considered this for SmileBASIC 3, but then they decided not to add this functionality, possibly because it would discourage people from learning how to code because they wouldn’t be able to see the code in a program that was read-only.
Read only means you can look at it but not edit it

Wow. SB4 is really awesome. Does anyone have translations for the tutorials?
They actually cover a lot less than you'd think. These tutorials are intended for complete beginners to programming, so if you're already familiar with SB3, they won't be helpful to you. Actually translating all of them would take too long for me, since my Japanese skills are pretty limited, but here's the basic gist of each one: 01: Introducing SmileBASIC and the characters 02: How to open the software keyboard and use the right stick as a mouse 03: How to use Direct mode, using commands like PRINT, VIBRATE, and BEEP 04: How to write math expressions, recall the previous command with Up, use auto-completion, and ? shorthand for PRINT 05: How to switch to Edit mode and back, write a multi-line program, and run it, as well as loading and saving programs 06: How to use SPSET and SPOFS, and how to open and use help for a command 07: Explaining what X and Y coordinates are, how they use pixel units, and using a Z coordinate with SPOFS 08: How to read error messages, jumping to an error, and learning to debug programs 09: Learning what variables are, and how to use them 10: How to use SPROT, and write a simple game loop using LOOP...ENDLOOP and VSYNC 11: How to use : to have multiple statements on one line, how to use single-line IF statements, comparison operators, and BREAK 12: How to use BUTTON, the difference between functions and instructions, and to check the home page if you want to learn more about SmileBASIC That's it. The rest is stuff about how to use the menus, and the basics of using a USB keyboard and mouse for people who have never used a computer before (which is actually not uncommon in Japan, where phones have always been fairly advanced even before the rise of iPhone and Android). ACLS, XSCREEN, CLS, multi-line IF statements, ELSEIF, ELSE, FOR loops, WHILE loops, labels, GOTO/GOSUB, DEF, arrays, string variables, indexing, defining constants, defining enums, text screens, layers, MML, and so on are not covered at all.

Is there something’s simple I can use to fill the background with tiles? I understand why they didn’t want to make background tiles separate from sprites anymore but the loss of BGFILL makes tiling a floor a real task.