The "file system" bit is pretty cool. The cursor speed could use a little work and translation could smooth things out a bit, not very important.
- Stacking window manager
- Multitasking
- A hierarchical file system
A function key 1(FILES) toggles key input. "LR" button is disabled while key input is enabled. L,BBUTTON: left click R,ABUTTON: right click TOUCH, STICK : mouse program list- Text editor(TXTED)
- Filer(OTYFIL)
- Program editor(PRGED)
- Music player(MPLAY)
- Document editor(OTYDOC)
- Run(RUN)
- Paint(PAINT)
- Eyes(EYES)
- Minesweeper(OTYMINE)
- Clipboard viewer(CLPBRD)
- Benchmark(OTWBENCH)
- About(ABOUT)
- Window viewer(WINLIST)
- Terminal(OTWTERM)
- Shell(SH)
- cd(shell command)
- echo
- ls
- cat
- ptree
- find
- ps
- diff
- freemem
- mkdir
- mount
- rm
- ren
- act
- ofsgc
- loadmod
- lsmod
- symlink
OTYAX API document : Japanese, English (by ateesdalejr and PatheticFish) OTW API document : OTWEXAMPLECTL 'init COMMON DEF I_OTWEXAMPLE IF!CHKCALL("IsWinRunning")||!IsWinRunning()THEN PrintConsoleln "window system is required." ExitProcess 1 RETURN ENDIF 'WND:window handle 'E:error (0: success) VAR WND,E IF!OTWEXAMPLECTL THEN 'OTWEXAMPLECTL is uninitialized ' control name control handle ExtendControl "OTWEXAPMLE",GetWindowControl() OUT OTWEXAMPLECTL,E IF E THEN E=DeleteControl(OTWEXAMPLECTL) ExitProcess 1 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF NewTopLevelWindow OTWEXAMPLECTL,"OTWEXAMPLE",128,64 OUT WND,E IF E THEN E=DeleteWindow(WND) ExitProcess 1 RETURN ENDIF SetProcessVar WND END 'loop COMMON DEF L_OTWEXAMPLE 'process window events IF UpdateWindow(GetProcessVar())THEN ExitProcess 0 RETURN ENDIF END