SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」
I don't think they ever specifically said that Switch to 3DS wasn't possible through the key systemThey have, in this tweet.
Hey, I think somebody got SmileBASIC 4 early, or maybe it's just already released.
Thing's two note:
Another livestream (switches over to Wii U in second half.)
- Mouse cursor for a bit, then it fades out?
- Neat background music
- Seems like there's a built-in key directory
- First-boot tutorial, will be really helpful
- Wow that text sound is terrifying
- We can see a yellow border flash when focus is changed.
- The menu theme is named "NEON"
- SmileTool Sprite Viewer, now has names for all the sprites (hooray, more localization work)
SmileBASIC lore spoilers

Hey, I think somebody got SmileBASIC 4 early, or maybe it's just already released.I believe it's in the beta testing period.
The stream started off with Smash, but then I think they purchased SmileBASIC right there, right then??? This stream was literally 80 minutes ago. Update: seems like they waited until midnight to purchase SmileBASIC... Yeah, I'd probably do the same...Hey, I think somebody got SmileBASIC 4 early, or maybe it's just already released.I believe it's in the beta testing period.

It's late spring, the launch is set for fall. Safe to say they're a beta tester. EDIT:oh so the launch date is May 23rd welp i'm broke so that was unfortunate timingThe stream started off with Smash, but then I think they purchased SmileBASIC right there, right then??? This stream was literally 80 minutes ago. Update: seems like they waited until midnight to purchase SmileBASIC... Yeah, I'd probably do the same...Hey, I think somebody got SmileBASIC 4 early, or maybe it's just already released.I believe it's in the beta testing period.
Sounds like public keys are "fixed," and we can update programs without getting all new keys for them.
So, it looks like SB4 has an "server usage ticket" system this time. SB3 had a paid system too, in the form of a subscription, but this time, it seems to work like this:
SB4 comes with one ticket, for the user who bought it. (So, if you bought SB4 with a Japanese account, you have to play SB4 with that account to use it.) It doesn't seem like it expires or can be used up. Each ticket is 500 yen (roughly $5) by itself.
If you have no tickets, you can only download one project every eight hours. It seems to be confirmed that you can't upload anything either.
If you have at least one ticket, you can download freely, and can upload projects.
For each additional ticket above that, your file upload limit is raised by 10.
Also, although you don't need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to download projects, presumably you will to upload them. Given that only Japanese accounts can have tickets (since obviously they aren't sold on the US eShop yet), this implies that you will need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription on your Japanese account to upload projects, for the time being.
Does anyone know how to download from keys? I found the menu, but what's after it makes no sense to me.
Edit: also, is it just me or is using a mouse totally unresponsive? (Wait, it supports mice, right?) I have a female USB splitter to connect both keyboard and mouse, but only the keyboard works. Perhaps the problem lies in the splitter though, (switch not accepting the second input) idk.
Just for future reference, we found out that KEYBOARD actually works in subprograms even when they don't have focus.
It also seems like it'd be good to standardize on something if you plan on making a subprogram that you can switch into and out of, since it's both an intuitive combination, and unused in SB4.
Alt-Tab was considered, but it registers as Tab before switching, which isn't great if you're in the editor.
Not sure what's going on here, but
OPTION STRICT ACLS XSCREEN 400,240,1280/400,2 GTARGET 0 GCIRCLE 400/2,240/2,2,RGB(127,255,255,255),3 DIM A,R,G,B RGB GPGET(400/2,240/2-2) OUT A,R,G,B ?A,R,G,B RGB GPGET(400/2-1,240/2-2) OUT A,R,G,B ?A,R,G,B
> 191 254 254 254 > 127 255 255 255It's hard to explain, but it seems that the x-y mins/maxes of the circle are different ARGB colors than the rest of the circle. Either I'm missing something crucial here, or this is a graphical artifact, which wouldn't be too surprising in this early stage of release.
Win+F and Alt+F have the same problem of typing something into the editor. Any combination in SB4 that isn't assigned ends up typing it without those modifiers, so even something like Win+F12 would have issues.
Maybe Pause/Break? It doesn't do anything, and what else would you ever use that key for? The most obvious application would've been run/break, but F5 does that.