
Site Updates [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Lol it's really not a big deal, come on.

Site update 1/11/16:
  • Fixed margins and wrapping on search result count
  • Fixed slow Resource search page load time (it was kldck's huge page, as usual)
  • Changed Resource categories to better fit our pages. Tutorials are split into Basic and Advanced Tutorials, and a new Additional Content category has been added for stuff like fonts, external references, game lists, etc.

Site update 1/12/16:
  • Ignored users in chat are now saved per device.
  • Thread posting, forum posting, and page creation all have a bbcode toolbox now. It's pretty basic, but hopefully it'll get the job done.
  • Fixed (again) a glitch with editing posts where the text area would go in the wrong place
  • Changed the submission process for new threads so it uses the common backend (if it's broken, let us know!)
  • Fixed forum spacing when editing posts.
Hopefully more will be on the way!


Oh these are nice. These are really nice. I like these updates a lot.

Site update 1/12/16 #2:
  • You can finally edit comments. Sorry for the absurd amount of time without this feature
  • Added bbcode tools to comments
  • Reverted comment styling (if something is broken in comment styling, let us know).
Edit: Oh right! So you can't edit a root comment if someone has replied to it. I did this because I don't want someone redacting their statement and making the whole comment chain make no sense.

Thank you! This is great.

thanks for the updates keep up the good work :)

Site update 1/13/16:
  • Chat limits message display to 500 messages. This is to stop horrible chat slowdowns which can occur after this point. It won't kick you off chat or anything, it simply removes old messages as new ones are made. I'm sorry if anybody needed to store all these messages; I'll make a setting which allows more messages.
  • Admins can make announcement threads now. This should help with community contests, events, etc.
Edit: Thank you Komodo and glennxserge!

Site update 1/14/16:
  • Small changes to forum styling
  • Threads can now be closed/locked/whatever. I'll probably start closing some old threads, and we may have auto-closing to prevent super duper necro posting (maybe). Sorry if the history is filled with close messages after this.
  • Announcement threads have been changed to only give you one notification and do not automatically subscribe you to the thread. This way, you're not spammed with notifications, and you can choose to watch the thread.
  • Fixed thread deletion bug

Necro bumps are fun sometimes, and there's nothing to actually gain from locking old threads.

If you mean automatically locking old threads, sure, it's hard to tell how long is "long enough". Plus some threads are worth reviving, so maybe automatic locking isn't necessary. However, sometimes a thread is done and people go and post stupid stuff on it after the fact and mess up the original content. In these cases, I think it's important to close them so people know that "it's finished".

Can creators of threads close their threads? That'd make a lot of sense, but I can't seem to find the feature if it exists.

Can creators of threads close their threads? That'd make a lot of sense, but I can't seem to find the feature if it exists.
I don't think there's a need for that. Only moderators should be able to close threads, this is a discussion forum, so it's kind of annoying if I have something to say but the thread is locked because the OP decided he didn't "need it" anymore.

I do think thread creators should be allowed to lock their threads as can staff; but I also think a thread unlock is in order, with permission restrictions.
  • If a user locks their own thread, they or staff can unlock it.
  • If staff locks a thread, only staff can unlock it.
  • If auto-locked, maybe request an unlock? Or maybe it's just locked forever.
If this is too hard or unnecessary you don't have to include it. It's just another crazy idea of mine. Auto-closing would need some sophisticated algorithm based on the activity history of the thread.

Auto-locking seems a little pointless to me. The whole point of it is so that a forgotten article no longer bothers OP with notifications. If OP were so worried about it, they could lock the article themselves either after they get their answer, or when they get a response after the thread's death that reminds them to close it. Also, auto-closing too early (an unlikely circumstance, but it could happen) leads to unnecessary complications (especially if it is irreversible). Also, maybe thread closing can be based on democracy? Just a thought I had.

I don't want users to be able to close their own threads; sorry. I'm probably not going to do auto locking either. Threads can already be reopened by staff btw.

Unless we had a REALLY good algorithm, auto-locking would turn us into GameFAQs probably. There isn't a single active thread on the SB board over there.

Site update 1/15/16:
  • Added a settings system (finally). Now I can start adding settings
  • 2 settings added: double page content and automatic notification removal. Double page content will increase the number of threads and posts per page to 40 from 20, and automatic notification removal removes notifications when you visit the associated page. They're both off by default to keep the original site behavior, but try them out!
More settings will come soon. Update 2:
  • Fixed fake announcement bug for newly created threads.

Site update 1/15/16 #2:
  • You will automatically follow threads and pages you create now.
  • You will ALSO automatically follow threads you post on and pages you comment on. This is an optional feature which can be disabled in the settings
  • Your "special" fields have all been reset. This is because it has been moved into the settings framework. If you REALLY don't want holiday themes, make sure you go back and retype "noholidays" in your special field.
  • Fixed page action button styling (the watch/delete/etc. buttons at the top of programs and resources)
  • Double results setting now extends to program and resource lists.