Oh, there's also autumnconfetti if you want confetti that matches a bit better.
If you're interested in making your own confetti, here's an example of what you would add to your siteJS:
function initMyConfetti(canvas) { initConfettiGeneral.bind(this)(canvas, ["purple", "pink", "plum", "orchid"], 1.0); } if(hasSpecial("myconfetti")) { var animator = getBGAnimator(); var animation = new Animation(drawConfetti, 20, 0, initMyConfetti); animator.addAnimation(animation); }The first function sets up the environment for confetti, which in this case is simply setting the colors to choose from and setting the speed. We need the "bind" because of the way the animator works (just copy that line and swap the colors around if you want). The second part checks to see if we typed "myconfetti" in the special field. If so, it adds your confetti animation to the background animation. When creating a new Animation, the first parameter is the function used to draw the animation (in this case, a function called drawConfetti that I already provide). The second parameter is the Z-index of the animation; higher = on top of other animations (this is not the css z-index). The third parameter is when to stop the animation; we use 0 to loop forever. Finally, the fourth parameter is the function used to initialize the animation. We use our function here so our confetti gets added.