
End of 2017 Programming Contest

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I'm not gonna update my game for now, cuz i got MK7 and ACNL:WA so i gotta play that

soo UPDATES! after long and hard work I've got the 1000x1000 map working again though im working on the tiles mostly, ive now added all the terrains but am finishing adding smoothing for the jungle. for the contest because collision is not done yet i will probably just not have it added, unless i figure it out in the next two days but i havent had much luck, though i am working on it, ive been working on adding things to the world generator but i have not re-added the trees yet because i cant seem to decide on how i want them to look and ive been working on the land types, so after i finish the jungle (which should take about 15-20 mins when i have the time) then ill make some type of tree sprites i think. i added caves but they wont be smoothed in this version i think because the other things are more important right now. I GOT A MOUSE FROM MY UNCLE FOR CHRISTMAS, SO YAY. now like i said when i listed things i wanted to have in it they are very unlikely to be in this first version so yeah ill try to add a few. pictures of the current look will be here in a minute, (when i go get my phone and get it to work)

My submission: https://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1012 Hope you like it!

I finally finished my submittal today. Here is the link: https://smilebasicsource.com/page?pid=1011 The game endured hours of playtesting by nephews over the holidays. I hope you have fun trying it!

soo UPDATES! after long and hard work I've got the 1000x1000 map working again though im working on the tiles mostly, ive now added all the terrains but am finishing adding smoothing for the jungle. for the contest because collision is not done yet i will probably just not have it added, unless i figure it out in the next two days but i havent had much luck, though i am working on it, ive been working on adding things to the world generator but i have not re-added the trees yet because i cant seem to decide on how i want them to look and ive been working on the land types, so after i finish the jungle (which should take about 15-20 mins when i have the time) then ill make some type of tree sprites i think. i added caves but they wont be smoothed in this version i think because the other things are more important right now. I GOT A MOUSE FROM MY UNCLE FOR CHRISTMAS, SO YAY. now like i said when i listed things i wanted to have in it they are very unlikely to be in this first version so yeah ill try to add a few. pictures of the current look will be here in a minute, (when i go get my phone and get it to work)
is the graphics like you are looking down? or is it like the side view from terraria?

I would’ve made something, but I know it wouldn’t be as good as something someone else made, so I’ll save my ideas until later, so I can think about it more. I also need to learn more about SmileBASIC in general, so I can finally get started on something good (hopefully).

Progress reports! so yesterday i *finally* got trees up and running, i only added the grass biome one because i onyl had that sprite at the time, now i have the snow biome sprites and am ready to add it (just have to type in some code an 9 sets of numbers), but i made some random ground things such as a little flower thingy and some random grass sprites and it turned out very nice actually, i thought it would not work to place them on my first try but it worked really well and nothing was wrong Trees and grass stuff so im still hoping to get collision up an running but its looking slim as i have had terrible luck doing it. if anyone cares enough ill enter it for the contest even without collision, otherwise ill keep working on it to add stuff whenever i get collision working

Remember to add the "Programming Contest" category for it to count as a submission.

Remember to add the "Programming Contest" category for it to count as a submission.
Thank you :).

soo UPDATES! after long and hard work I've got the 1000x1000 map working again though im working on the tiles mostly, ive now added all the terrains but am finishing adding smoothing for the jungle. for the contest because collision is not done yet i will probably just not have it added, unless i figure it out in the next two days but i havent had much luck, though i am working on it, ive been working on adding things to the world generator but i have not re-added the trees yet because i cant seem to decide on how i want them to look and ive been working on the land types, so after i finish the jungle (which should take about 15-20 mins when i have the time) then ill make some type of tree sprites i think. i added caves but they wont be smoothed in this version i think because the other things are more important right now. I GOT A MOUSE FROM MY UNCLE FOR CHRISTMAS, SO YAY. now like i said when i listed things i wanted to have in it they are very unlikely to be in this first version so yeah ill try to add a few. pictures of the current look will be here in a minute, (when i go get my phone and get it to work)
is the graphics like you are looking down? or is it like the side view from terraria?
that was just a sideways picture.

so with the amazing help of Nathaniel i got my collision up and running *YAY!!* and i added a small thing to it that makes you climb up the hills so you dont have to jump every tile and can just walk *another yay!!* so ill be releasing whatever i have tomorrow. ill add whatever i can but yeah moving around and jumping is basically it aside from the generation EDIT: With the help of chicken i got the breaking of blocks done, ill just need to fine tune it and add some stuff to make it nice but yeah going very well so far

Can everyone make sure my countdown timer is working? It should display around 11 hours right now (check when this message was posted).

Can everyone make sure my countdown timer is working? It should display around 11 hours right now (check when this message was posted).
yes it works

Can everyone make sure my countdown timer is working? It should display around 11 hours right now (check when this message was posted).

Can everyone make sure my countdown timer is working? It should display around 11 hours right now (check when this message was posted).
Yes its working just fine for me. OH SHOOT, 8 hours left!

I still have nothing for this. I lost my stylus and my 3DS battery is messed up Can't wait until I can release something obviously rushed and buggy as heck! :D

I still have nothing for this. I lost my stylus and my 3DS battery is messed up Can't wait until I can release something obviously rushed and buggy as heck! :D
I'm pretty sure most people here have lost their stylus. Just use something else...

My (largely unfinished) contest game has been released. Can't wait to see every other entry get more votes than me.

been working a ton on adding things and ive decided to forget about the rest of world gen and add some features. so far weve got bottom screen placing blocks but its not done yet, so im working fast to get some stuff working!