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Super Bearland

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Bears have evolved the ability to shapeshift into anything (or anyone) you can imagine! (Or maybe your eyesight is just really poor?) Either way, one wrong step could be your last in the randomly generated world of Super Bearland. Hunt those beasts down before they hunt you! Talk to people to get Clues about the Bear's location and disguise. Check objects to find the Tools you need to take the Bear down! But if you accidentally Talk to or Check the Bear, it's Game Over! Each round lasts 2-5 minutes, but no two games are alike with randomized levels, optional challenges, and a heaping helping of unlockables. Keep playing and experimenting to see if you can find them all!


WARNING: Contains flashing light effects and "jumpscares" upon losing. If you are sensitive to either of these, disable them in the Settings Menu. Circle Pad / D-Pad: Move L / R / Hold Touch Screen: Fast Forward "T" in the top left corner: Toggle Typewriter Animation Bear Trap: Throw at suspected Bears to eliminate them. Bearometer: Determines if a Bear is in the current Town. Super Bear Trap: Eliminates the current Town, and everything inside. Decoy: Automatically prevents one Theft attempt.


Cool Features:
  • Retro music & sound effects
  • CRT-style scan lines
  • Procedurally generated levels, with Autobalance
  • Advanced Narrator system
  • NES Font
  • Kerning (Reduces empty space between letters)
  • 6 unlockable game modes
  • Unlockable Challenge Mode (stacks with other modes)
  • Notebook (Automatically keeps track of hints)
And more!

Replying to:kantackistan
Did anyone discover the April 1st Easter egg on their own?
Lol awesome.

Replying to:IAmRalsei
Potential bug:
Spoileryou get jumpscared by the bear for not saving EVEN WHEN JUMPSCARES ARE TURNED OFF!
You can just savescum in SB by terminating the program with START and keeping extra copies of whatever savedata is necessary. Also, everything is open source (happily) so it's unreasonable to expect that users will never be able to crack or edit your save format.

Replying to:IAmRalsei
Potential bug:
Spoileryou get jumpscared by the bear for not saving EVEN WHEN JUMPSCARES ARE TURNED OFF!
Oh of course. The goal was never to prevent cheating outright, because... well, it's SmileBasic. You can't. All saves have to be approved by the user. The 'revenge' was more of an Easter egg than anything else.

Ooh I was try out revenge!

Replying to:Amoura
Ooh I was try out revenge!
SpoilerLOLLL THAT WAS HILARIOUS awwwh it said CHEATER had 4 and bears had 62 i tried to say no 62 times hoping the game would get mad but no ;(((
SpoilerI'm pretty sure that games only run in slot 1 or something... I wonder if you could put a "red flag" off in slot 2 that tells you the player tried to cheat, one that would get deleted ONLY if they tried to cheat and let it save ... then, if they try to avoid punishment by pressing start or something, you could make the game detect the thing in slot 2 and ... punish them somehow

Replying to:kantackistan
Did anyone discover the April 1st Easter egg on their own?
Heh nice.

Super Bearland is a great game similar to town of salem . I recommend it to everyone!

Replying to:NecroStudios
Super Bearland is a great game similar to town of salem . I recommend it to everyone!
Me too, I got eaten by a pez dispencer.

Replying to:NecroStudios
Super Bearland is a great game similar to town of salem . I recommend it to everyone!
Lol that really happens? I need to update.

I bet if you polished it up, added new unlockable features, gameplay elements, items, etc, etc, etc. Then this would probably sell well on the Switch or maybe a mobile device. I mean, I'd recommend improving it, and porting it to another console/PC. I would totally buy this for switch if it was really fleshed out.

Replying to:Morgan
I bet if you polished it up, added new unlockable features, gameplay elements, items, etc, etc, etc. Then this would probably sell well on the Switch or maybe a mobile device. I mean, I'd recommend improving it, and porting it to another console/PC. I would totally buy this for switch if it was really fleshed out.
I've considered both! It's too clumsy on landscape devices like the Switch, but the Bearlandroid prototype had some promise.

Replying to:Morgan
I bet if you polished it up, added new unlockable features, gameplay elements, items, etc, etc, etc. Then this would probably sell well on the Switch or maybe a mobile device. I mean, I'd recommend improving it, and porting it to another console/PC. I would totally buy this for switch if it was really fleshed out.




Has anyone tried modding this?

well, there have been 6 wins in a row... just not by you

Replying to:DevinF06
Has anyone tried modding this?
I have a bit. Though usually I just roll the mods out as official patches.

Replying to:DevinF06
Has anyone tried modding this?
Modding as of adding new things entirely

Replying to:DevinF06
Has anyone tried modding this?
Oh yeah, I've added some new types of Hints and Tools, some new color schemes, lots of new names for things like People and Towns. New game modes are in the works. Was there something in particular you thought was missing?