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Super Bearland

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Bears have evolved the ability to shapeshift into anything (or anyone) you can imagine! (Or maybe your eyesight is just really poor?) Either way, one wrong step could be your last in the randomly generated world of Super Bearland. Hunt those beasts down before they hunt you! Talk to people to get Clues about the Bear's location and disguise. Check objects to find the Tools you need to take the Bear down! But if you accidentally Talk to or Check the Bear, it's Game Over! Each round lasts 2-5 minutes, but no two games are alike with randomized levels, optional challenges, and a heaping helping of unlockables. Keep playing and experimenting to see if you can find them all!


WARNING: Contains flashing light effects and "jumpscares" upon losing. If you are sensitive to either of these, disable them in the Settings Menu. Circle Pad / D-Pad: Move L / R / Hold Touch Screen: Fast Forward "T" in the top left corner: Toggle Typewriter Animation Bear Trap: Throw at suspected Bears to eliminate them. Bearometer: Determines if a Bear is in the current Town. Super Bear Trap: Eliminates the current Town, and everything inside. Decoy: Automatically prevents one Theft attempt.


Cool Features:
  • Retro music & sound effects
  • CRT-style scan lines
  • Procedurally generated levels, with Autobalance
  • Advanced Narrator system
  • NES Font
  • Kerning (Reduces empty space between letters)
  • 6 unlockable game modes
  • Unlockable Challenge Mode (stacks with other modes)
  • Notebook (Automatically keeps track of hints)
And more!

This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
Many thanks! I intend to keep working on this after the contest, so I'd love to know your favorite modes, any complaints, or bugs you encounter. Or even just if the balance feels off on anything.

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
Now that i think about it, one time when i unlocked something in the game, the Warning sign sprite stayed on the screen until i unlocked something else. Unfortunately though i don't remember which unlock it happened on. Also, i noticed a misspelling when i checked an object, it said "Wothless". And my favorite mode has to be OZ mode or Warzone, purely because i get super tensed up. I can't wait to see what else you do with this game!

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
Line 2471 is the spelling error.

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
Good catch - I'll get that fixed in the next release. Thanks!

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
One more thing, I would love it if you could add another page listing the challenges you have when you are playing a game with challenge mode turned on since they can be hard to remember.

bugs-I unlocked color set 1 and the market at the same time, and the ! icon got stuck on screen. -being nuked by the bear does not seem to reset the win streak. -I lost my last two decoys in one town, and the icon still showed that I had 1 left -The previous lose message is displayed when being killed for not saving -aVoided theme sound effects don't stop in the menu when you switch themes after using it
more bugs?-I suspect the "before <x> tools" challenge might be broken (but it's entirely possible that I just can't count) -I died in the "without walking past the bear twice" challenge immediately upon entering a room for the first time (It's possible that the bear was in this room and I didn't have any traps, does the game detect that you CAN'T win even though you haven't failed the challenge?) -In 2 bears mode, someone said I had passed a bear more than once, but I checked all the rooms I had visited and none of them had a bear

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
Ok! Got fixes for all of those. The notebook now has a listing of all your current challenges. With time I'll make it accurately track them all, but that might have to wait until after the contest. Thanks for playtesting!

Replying to:12Me21
bugs-I unlocked color set 1 and the market at the same time, and the ! icon got stuck on screen. -being nuked by the bear does not seem to reset the win streak. -I lost my last two decoys in one town, and the icon still showed that I had 1 left -The previous lose message is displayed when being killed for not saving -aVoided theme sound effects don't stop in the menu when you switch themes after using it
more bugs?-I suspect the "before <x> tools" challenge might be broken (but it's entirely possible that I just can't count) -I died in the "without walking past the bear twice" challenge immediately upon entering a room for the first time (It's possible that the bear was in this room and I didn't have any traps, does the game detect that you CAN'T win even though you haven't failed the challenge?) -In 2 bears mode, someone said I had passed a bear more than once, but I checked all the rooms I had visited and none of them had a bear
Excellent bug report, thanks! I just uploaded 1.0.1 which should take care of all five of those.

Replying to:Arkzen
This game is seriously amazing. I'm addicted to it now, so great job!
You're welcome!

Dude this is really well made! Very impressive work, and it's actually very fun and creative on top of that. First game the bear got me, I totally knew it was going to be the bear but I used a trap on an invisible man first and killed him ;( Second game I won.

SCARY i got eaten by a pez dispenser.

Replying to:12Me21
bugs-I unlocked color set 1 and the market at the same time, and the ! icon got stuck on screen. -being nuked by the bear does not seem to reset the win streak. -I lost my last two decoys in one town, and the icon still showed that I had 1 left -The previous lose message is displayed when being killed for not saving -aVoided theme sound effects don't stop in the menu when you switch themes after using it
more bugs?-I suspect the "before <x> tools" challenge might be broken (but it's entirely possible that I just can't count) -I died in the "without walking past the bear twice" challenge immediately upon entering a room for the first time (It's possible that the bear was in this room and I didn't have any traps, does the game detect that you CAN'T win even though you haven't failed the challenge?) -In 2 bears mode, someone said I had passed a bear more than once, but I checked all the rooms I had visited and none of them had a bear
Ok! 1.0.2. fixes the before X tools bug. So far I haven't been able to reproduce that issue with 2 Bears mode, but the night's still young... That Pass challenge was actually working as intended, but worded poorly. (Tracks the number of times you walk away from the Bear's town.) So I rewrote the text.

Replying to:Krondelo
Dude this is really well made! Very impressive work, and it's actually very fun and creative on top of that. First game the bear got me, I totally knew it was going to be the bear but I used a trap on an invisible man first and killed him ;( Second game I won.
Hey don't worry, they'll never find the body.

Replying to:rando
SCARY i got eaten by a pez dispenser.
I want this post as a back-of-the-box review.

Replying to:Krondelo
Dude this is really well made! Very impressive work, and it's actually very fun and creative on top of that. First game the bear got me, I totally knew it was going to be the bear but I used a trap on an invisible man first and killed him ;( Second game I won.
Haha, yeah I love how the randomness creates humor. I trapped the bear and it was disguised as a Gypsy, go figure.

*Hunting for the bear *Finds bear trap in a bumper car *Goes to a town to the east *Sees Loiterer "NO LOITERING! EVILDOERS MUST PAY!" *Throws bear trap at loiterer *Turns out to be the bear in disguise "Uhh...I meant to do that! Yeah!" Wow! This is really great work. Absolutely fantastic! I hope this gets more recognition as time goes on. Thanks a bunch for making this! Fun and creative. Also love the humor xD. This is great! Great music too!

Quick question though. How are longitude and latitude lines handled? Did I do something wrong? I was in a situation where: >I attempted challenge mode (don't pass by the bear twice) > I was in the bottom left corner of a 24 room map. > I explored the bottom 2x2 square there; on the bottom row, second from the left, I found out that the bear was somewhere to the east, implying that it wasn't in the two columns on the left of the screen (Because otherwise, it would be to the north or west). >I believe it was the middle row where a mermaid told me that the bear was on the same line of latitude. Since latitude lines are horizontal, I assumed the bear was on the third row, to the east. >I continued exploring the rest of the two columns to the left, but I died soon after. I didn't return to any towns. The town I died at was unexplored. It wasn't even on the the third row, but the second one. When it says pass by, does it mean passing by the town it's in by entering a town adjacent to it, or does it mean by entering the town the bear is in and leaving without catching it? Am I misinterpreting what the game meant? OR...are there liars in the game? Maybe I'm mis-remembering or maybe I wasn't paying attention?

Replying to:Gale_Storm
Quick question though. How are longitude and latitude lines handled? Did I do something wrong? I was in a situation where: >I attempted challenge mode (don't pass by the bear twice) > I was in the bottom left corner of a 24 room map. > I explored the bottom 2x2 square there; on the bottom row, second from the left, I found out that the bear was somewhere to the east, implying that it wasn't in the two columns on the left of the screen (Because otherwise, it would be to the north or west). >I believe it was the middle row where a mermaid told me that the bear was on the same line of latitude. Since latitude lines are horizontal, I assumed the bear was on the third row, to the east. >I continued exploring the rest of the two columns to the left, but I died soon after. I didn't return to any towns. The town I died at was unexplored. It wasn't even on the the third row, but the second one. When it says pass by, does it mean passing by the town it's in by entering a town adjacent to it, or does it mean by entering the town the bear is in and leaving without catching it? Am I misinterpreting what the game meant? OR...are there liars in the game? Maybe I'm mis-remembering or maybe I wasn't paying attention?
North/south/east/west means relative to the current town. So if someone says the bear is "to the east" that means it's in one of the columns to the right of the one you're in. Passing the bear means that you leave enter the town that it's in. I suspect that whatever keeps track of this is broken, because I've had situations where a person has told me that I've passed the bear more than once, and I couldn't find it in ANY of the towns that I had explored so far. Perhaps the pass count doesn't get reset between games?

Replying to:Gale_Storm
Quick question though. How are longitude and latitude lines handled? Did I do something wrong? I was in a situation where: >I attempted challenge mode (don't pass by the bear twice) > I was in the bottom left corner of a 24 room map. > I explored the bottom 2x2 square there; on the bottom row, second from the left, I found out that the bear was somewhere to the east, implying that it wasn't in the two columns on the left of the screen (Because otherwise, it would be to the north or west). >I believe it was the middle row where a mermaid told me that the bear was on the same line of latitude. Since latitude lines are horizontal, I assumed the bear was on the third row, to the east. >I continued exploring the rest of the two columns to the left, but I died soon after. I didn't return to any towns. The town I died at was unexplored. It wasn't even on the the third row, but the second one. When it says pass by, does it mean passing by the town it's in by entering a town adjacent to it, or does it mean by entering the town the bear is in and leaving without catching it? Am I misinterpreting what the game meant? OR...are there liars in the game? Maybe I'm mis-remembering or maybe I wasn't paying attention?
Directions are generalized. If someone says the Bear is South of you, that means any town lower on the map - even ones not directly below you. Passing the bear just means you've visited it's town, whether or not you've left the town or not. (There is a Challenge that tracks the number of times you've walked away from the bear, but that's different from the Pass hints. My fault for wording them similarly, sorry!) I'll spend today stress testing the pass system to make sure it's working as intended, including resets between games.