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SmileBASIC 4 Discussion「プチコン4」

Root / General / [.]

what Should we update the site to support SB4 programs (such as adding a new category, new minimum compatible device, etc.)?
Don't quote me on this (haha) but I think Random is working on a new site at the moment so I don't think he'll be adding categories for SB4
I agree

I've checked out the Japanese news of SmileBASIC 4 from Nintendo on the Switch. I can't wait to check it out! I do have SmileBASIC on my 3DS, however. I have a Japanese Nintendo account on the Switch. Anyways, is SmileBASIC 4 released in Japan yet or is it delayed?
It was released a few days ago.

Awesome! :D

Cool and good

Raytracing! (Check it here) SmileBASIC 4 is looking better and better.

Raytracing! (Check it here) SmileBASIC 4 is looking better and better.

Should I take the plunge and buy SmileBASIC 4 in Japanese, or should I wait for the American release?

Should I take the plunge and buy SmileBASIC 4 in Japanese, or should I wait for the American release?
I plan on getting it in Japanese despite barely knowing any, and I suggest you do the same.

I bought the Japanese version. I don't speak Japanese and I'm pretty much illiterate in it as well, but it's not too difficult to learn the new features despite the language barrier.

Okay, I’m going to buy it. I contacted notohoho and apparently it’s going to take half a year before the English version releases.

Okay, I’m going to buy it. I contacted notohoho and apparently it’s going to take half a year before the English version releases.
Never mind, I’m having trouble buying it, so I’ll just wait for the international release.

Okay, I’m going to buy it. I contacted notohoho and apparently it’s going to take half a year before the English version releases.
Never mind, I’m having trouble buying it, so I’ll just wait for the international release.
Go to playasia and buy a 3000 yen eshop card. It'll give you the code to the card right away.

Okay, I’m going to buy it. I contacted notohoho and apparently it’s going to take half a year before the English version releases.
Never mind, I’m having trouble buying it, so I’ll just wait for the international release.
Go to playasia and buy a 3000 yen eshop card. It'll give you the code to the card right away.
My prepaid card isn’t working with it for some reason.

folks have also reported success with apartment-507 on ebay

I don't have a switch :( Time to get one lol By the time I get one the english version will release.

Do I need to worry about taxes when buying the Japanese release?

Do I need to worry about taxes when buying the Japanese release?
No, I don't think so. It costs exactly 3000 yen, everything accounted for.

Here are default graphic and font for SmileBASIC 4. they are very big. 2048x2048 default graphic DEFGRP default font DEFFONT some sprites(like big hakase head) use alpha translucency.

Here are default graphic and font for SmileBASIC 4. they are very big. 2048x2048 default graphic DEFGRP default font DEFFONT some sprites(like big hakase head) use alpha translucency.
Lol you’re back after 8 months Seems like the Solid Gunner sprites have become default sprites in SmileBASIC 4. Can the smaller font be ported to SmileBASIC 3, or is it too big/has translucency or whatever? Also, how did you send the sprites to PC?

I have a couple questions. I was watching Calc84Maniacs twitch stream and I saw him enter the key for the 3ds Block Dude code. I missed it, where do I click to do that for my own code? I have one answer, I got the 3000 yen card on play Asia. The eshop purchase must have had tax included, I had zero yen left over when I was done. I did have to give them a cell phone number for a verification code over text message which I wasn't fond of. Wouldn't be surprised if single use or refillable cards were blocked. Another question is where are all the folders? I downloaded a few things but see no folders with their code (I can run them just fine). Does creating a new project create a new folder for my own code? Oh, and is there anything like the shoulder button load and save commands? I found Ctrl+S for saving but nothing for loading. Thanks in advance for any help. Sorry one more thing, do we still have the extra editor pages, I am not noticing them, have I overlooked them or are they gone?