
Feature Requests [OLD]

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A thread of mine, http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=171 got accidentally misfiled by 12Me21 from the SmileBasic Bug Reports forum to Programming Questions forum. My threads seem distressingly 'accident-prone', because the same thing happened to http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=98 and I don't know how many others. There are notifications for when a thread is added to, or even when a post in a thread is edited. Surely, a thread being moved from one forum to another is an event worthy of a notification too?

A thread of mine, http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=171 got accidentally misfiled by 12Me21 from the SmileBasic Bug Reports forum to Programming Questions forum. My threads seem distressingly 'accident-prone', because the same thing happened to http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=98 and I don't know how many others. There are notifications for when a thread is added to, or even when a post in a thread is edited. Surely, a thread being moved from one forum to another is an event worthy of a notification too?
It's a flaw in how the system is designed. The "thread" events are inherently tied to things within the thread, so thread renaming and moving don't apply because they're outside the scope. I unfortunately can't change this without making the event code significantly more complex. This is why I want to rewrite the whole website lol.

A thread of mine, http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=171 got accidentally misfiled by 12Me21 from the SmileBasic Bug Reports forum to Programming Questions forum. My threads seem distressingly 'accident-prone', because the same thing happened to http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=98 and I don't know how many others. There are notifications for when a thread is added to, or even when a post in a thread is edited. Surely, a thread being moved from one forum to another is an event worthy of a notification too?
Oh, I moved that one on purpose. It's clearly a mistake in the documentation rather than a bug.

In the SmileBasic Bug Reports forum, http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?ftid=1292
We've decided to put undocumented features and manual mistakes in this forum, since the categories overlap so much.
Get your story straight, 12.

We've decided to put undocumented features and manual mistakes in this forum, since the categories overlap so much.
Get your story straight, 12.
That decision was made recently and didn't exist when I moved some of the threads.

If you need new categories I can add some

Suggestion: When a user reloads the page, possibly remove the join/leave message (whichever comes first) because it's unnecessary since the user is still in the chat.

I suggest that you make changing your PW reset email self-service. I mean, like 99% of sites do it, why can't we?

allow chat JS commands to accept arguments containing line breaks

Prevent hidden users from using /md, or allow lower ranks to use /expose. /me was fine, but allowing users to post normal looking messages while hidden is just pointless.

The reconnect link on chat should just try to reopen the connection instead of reloading the entire page. Saves data.
OK it's done thanks for the suggestion.

There should be a special button at the bottom of the Programming Contest category submissions page that only allows programs, and automatically adds the submitted program to the Programming Contest category. The current way of adding contest entries should not be deprecated.

Could you make the 500 message limit in chat be per tab?

Could you make the 500 message limit in chat be per tab?

Could you make the 500 message limit in chat be per tab?

Could you make the 500 message limit in chat be per tab?
+3 Also probably make the setting be device specific

also can we just rename chat tabs to "Tab A" and "Tab B" since everyone starts programming conversations in off-topic anyway

also can we just rename chat tabs to "Tab A" and "Tab B" since everyone starts programming conversations in off-topic anyway
Bit too dramatic here?

also can we just rename chat tabs to "Tab A" and "Tab B" since everyone starts programming conversations in off-topic anyway
I'd rather that not happen tbh

Add an exclamation mark at the end of "Come join the Spring Programming Contest".