Might make SBS readonly: thread

Feature Requests [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

better support for 3ds
"High Compat" (at the bottom of the page) is good for Old 3DSes

better support for 3ds
"High Compat" (at the bottom of the page) is good for Old 3DSes
Cool! A-a-awesome! lol also Iโ€™m unbanned now

Add liking comments and forum posts Also, I canโ€™t wait for this thread to get to 666 posts

better support for 3ds
"High Compat" (at the bottom of the page) is good for Old 3DSes
i managed to get on n3ds thats the way i get on most times and i dont even use high compat mode.

please make the ability to turn off visible indications of an ignored user talking in chat

please make the ability to turn off visible indications of an ignored user talking in chat
Goudโ€™a idea

please make the ability to turn off visible indications of an ignored user talking in chat
Use siteCSS please

please make the ability to turn off visible indications of an ignored user talking in chat
remove kebab
but i don't know how to do it :( EDIT: kebabs removed to sate below poster and [removed kebab]

remove kebab
Use siteCSS please (kept in for context purposes)
but i don't know how to do it :(
I donโ€™t know how to do it either

H1, H2 and H3 tags for forum posts.

H1, H2 and H3 tags for forum posts.

H1, H2 and H3 tags for forum posts.
What the hell are those? Part of markdown or something?

H1, H2 and H3 tags for forum posts.
What the hell are those? Part of markdown or something?
H1, H2, ..., H6 are part of HTML iirc, meaning Header. The smaller the number, the larger the text. They have a counterpart in Markdown consisting of #, where you have the number of # according to the number in the H tag. So H1 == #, ..., H6 == ######. Or something. But I think there's a BBCode-based thingy on the forums. I don't know if ### is in chat.

better support for 3ds
"High Compat" (at the bottom of the page) is good for Old 3DSes
I am on A New 2ds XL an all I get when I try to load the page is an Error 032-1035

This might just be me, and this also might already be implemented without me knowing it, but I would like if there were drafts for posts so that you could make it JUST like you want it, without having to do it in one session.
send a site message to yourself to save stuff maybe

what about a section for Petit Computer QR codes?

what about a section for Petit Computer QR codes?
PTC Wiki, buddy.

what about a section for Petit Computer QR codes?
PTC Wiki, buddy.
Oh. didn't know about the Wiki

Feature request:a way to kill lumage irl But for real I want more themes for the website

But for real I want more themes for the website
make them