Might make SBS readonly: thread

Feature Requests [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

This is stupid but, could people who registered within the first week of the site's creation can have some sort of symbol in their Account Area or by their Username would be cool. idk... I need something to make me feel cheery again. You don't need to add it. It's a stupid idea anyway. I just think it would be simple to add and silly for some "Internet Bragging Rights" haha! It's not like I'm biased because I made my account on day 1 or something... (Ο.ο )

This is stupid but, could people who registered within the first week of the site's creation can have some sort of symbol in their Account Area or by their Username would be cool.
Probably won't do this, sorry.

This is stupid but, could people who registered within the first week of the site's creation can have some sort of symbol in their Account Area or by their Username would be cool.
Probably won't do this, sorry.
It's fine I didn't expect you to anyway.

Any plans on flairs or anything like that? "Top contibuter" "Helpful user" "Forever A-noob" "debugger buddy" etc. Admin approved, of course. (If you need a volunteer...... *winky face*) All tags must be within site guidelines, sillyness kept to a minimum, flairs cannot be changed for "x" days, etc. It's a bit less Internet pointey, and could prove useful, especially with niche helpers. Some people specialize in code, others in sprites or music.

Any plans on flairs or anything like that? "Top contibuter" "Helpful user" "Forever A-noob" "debugger buddy" etc. Admin approved, of course. (If you need a volunteer...... *winky face*) All tags must be within site guidelines, sillyness kept to a minimum, flairs cannot be changed for "x" days, etc. It's a bit less Internet pointey, and could prove useful, especially with niche helpers. Some people specialize in code, others in sprites or music.
I've thought about doing something like this. Now that most of the main features are implemented and the bugs are mostly fixed, I guess I can start working on fun stuff like this. Later though. Just remind me if I don't get around to it.

I am still waiting for chat titles to be brought back. I liked those.

I just got a good idea. It will certainly take a lot of work, I don't even expect you to accept it. Just an idea. If on mobile chat, we could have it so swiping switches you the next tab over. This would probably take way more work than what is worth, but I think it'd be cool.

I think up in the header of the Submissions page there should be a create/submit button or something. Throwing it onto a couple links at the page bottom seems lazy design at this stage tbh.

I think up in the header of the Submissions page there should be a create/submit button or something. Throwing it onto a couple links at the page bottom seems lazy design at this stage tbh.

I think up in the header of the Submissions page there should be a create/submit button or something. Throwing it onto a couple links at the page bottom seems lazy design at this stage tbh.
No no no, Lumage please don't do that! Remember, we put it at the bottom so we don't have 100,000 bad pages. When you make people look for it, they have to REALLY want to submit it. Furthermore, the important content on a page should always go first. When browsing submissions, the most important things are the already submitted programs. Only like 1 in 1000 views on the submissions page will ever be for submitting a new page.

That is fair.

That is fair.
I updated the styling at least so it kind of matches the page? IDK, if you have suggestions let me know.

I wish there was some way for non-admin users to get symbols after their names... maybe we can hold contests and the winner gets a symbol for winning? Unnecessary but my jealousy thirsts it! OmO

I wish there was some way for non-admin users to get symbols after their names... maybe we can hold contests and the winner gets a symbol for winning? Unnecessary but my jealousy thirsts it! OmO
This is for jealousy and confusing. I don't want more people begging for symbols. Symbols mean specific website powers. Thassit.

That is fair.
I updated the styling at least so it kind of matches the page? IDK, if you have suggestions let me know.
Ehhh I would rather they be buttons but I guess Lumage doesn't want them to be buttons. Ehhh do what you have to do.

This is for jealousy and confusing.

Dates instead of relative times for posts over two months old--

Dates instead of relative times for posts over two months old--
But language... "ago".... the great mess of tags long past. Maybe one day...

Dates instead of relative times for posts over two months old--
But language... "ago".... the great mess of tags long past. Maybe one day...
disregard tradition and blend japanese and everywhere-else format DD日MM月YYYY年

Chat polls are …kinda useless, always being abused etc. So, why not site polls? I'm no web engineer, but maybe you could extend that backend you have into a polling widget deployable via bbcode. Syntax would be similar to lists.
[poll=question goes here]
Of course, this would require significant work to achieve. Even just tracking polls would be difficult, as well as building the form and stuff like that. Just an idea. That's supposed to say * not li. Parse bug :P