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3D Parkour

Root / Submissions / [.]

Dive into the ultimate parkour playground, a thrilling 3D adventure where your agility takes center stage. Powered by a custom engine with seamless physics integration, this game elevates parkour into an immersive art form. Traverse varied landscapes, filled with jumps, glides, and acrobatics. Test your skills against dynamic challenges like rotating blocks, zero-gravity zones, and springy trampolines, customizing the environment to your style. Enhanced by an intricate level editor, explore endless parkour possibilities. With a Japanese translation included, international players are warmly welcomed to discover the sheer joy of movement in a vibrant, physics-driven world.


Game Features Include:

  • 66 levels
  • 124 music tracks
  • 15 block types
  • Local multiplayer up to 4 players
  • Toggle between Japanese and English
  • A messaging system
  • Built-in level editor once the game gets completed
  • Built-in sky building tool
  • A gazillion options to choose from
  • 10,632 lines of code, made with love
  • Delete any files to save space, and the game will still work
SpoilerIf you would like to cheat to the end to try the game so that nothing is locked for you, download the VIP_KEY at [RKCE3EKE] and place it in the directory with the game.


Version history:

Version 1.9

  • The game now works with BIG (multiplayer features disabled).
  • I've included the very first versions of 3D Parkour, as well as the UI before it was implemented into the game.
  • A few new levels have been added to the end.
  • Minor graphical changes, such as starting out in B&W, sky tinting, and submarine sprites.

Version 1.8.5

  • This update just deals with behind-the-scenes improvements and small tweaks to improve the gaming experience.
  • There have been slight level modifications.
  • Level 8 has been replaced and made less frustrating.
  • Changed the way 3D Parkour communicates with other files, behind the scenes.
  • The Sky building tool has undergone many improvements and bug fixes, both skies in each file can now be loaded and reused.
  • Everything from this version now works inside Alpha OS X with no errors.

Version 1.8

  • Added an in-game sky-building tool (a compatible version of Fractal Canvas).
  • The game now starts up immediately, and loads in all the music for the first few seconds while the user is playing in order to provide a better gaming experience.
  • Added player coloring customization.
  • When flying, the player can now fly out of bounds, but cannot dismount unless inside the bounds.
  • Loading a new level causes a particle explosion.
  • Credits look much better.
  • Added option to turn and jump while in the air.
  • Added option to adjust fly and adjust flying speed.
  • Added the option to fly upside down.
  • Added an option to make the platform the player is on follow the player to ensure the player does not fall off... just try it (the bottom of menu #4).
  • FOV can now go negative.
  • The game still functions normally after deleting the music file and all the SKY graphics pages (this is to save space if necessary).
  • Menu icons have been modified.
  • The game does not lag anymore when scrolling a menu with the stylus, this is a huge improvement.
  • Added levels 60 and 62 and modified other various levels to make use of more features.
  • Improved Japanese translation.
  • Many performance enhancements.

Version 1.7.5

  • Fixed many bugs such as changing FOV or camera distance.
  • Added more sound effects such as different noises depending on how hard you hit the ground.
  • Added levels 48, 51, 54, 61.
  • Many other minor tweaks that improve performance and the overall stability of the game.

Version 1.7

  • The game should run much smoother on the original 3DS.
  • Added a level selection menu containing a level search option as well as much quicker navigation. You can type a substring and it will list every level containing that string and a 3D preview of each result.
  • Elytra givers have customizable velocities by modifying their rotational velocity variable.
  • Flying feels more realistic due to the camera and particle effects.
  • Elytra now goes double as fast when holding X.
  • Added toggleable speed GUI in menu 3.
  • Units have been globalized, and set to meters.
  • Default FOV has been tweaked to match the new unit globalization.
  • Fixed the calculator so that it functions properly.
  • Greatly improved Japanese translation.
  • Added many more levels.
  • Many other improvements and modifications, this version has been extremely polished and tested.

Version 1.6.5

  • Added elytra wings for flying.
  • Added world flipper block to rotate the world upside down.
  • Added flashing spheres.
  • Added backward compatibility for older-level files so that they are not detected as corrupt.
  • Changed menu Icons.
  • Fixed glitches during multiplayer.

Version 1.6

  • Added spheres as well as trampoline spheres.
  • Added particles when the player hits the ground.
  • Added world view distance option to allow larger levels.
  • Added player trail to visualize where the player travels and velocity.
  • Zoom speed has been slightly slowed down.
  • Menu scrolling and rotating the camera while paused have been improved.
  • Added toggleable GUIs in menu 3.
  • The nearly impossible levels have been modified to not rely on luck as heavily.
  • Pressing L will fire a particle bullet (for fun).
  • Improved Japanese translation.
  • Cheat codes in the chat are more overpowered ("/L+ /L+ /L+ /L+ " is now equivalent to /L++++).
  • Improved vision while underwater.
  • Skyboxes can now be added and deleted by the user without any issues. Simply add or remove a "SKY#" graphics page.
  • Lots more levels added.

Version 1.5

  • The entire game has been translated into Japanese.
  • New menu added (for camera filters).
  • The editor is much easier to use (sliders specifically).
  • A chat bubble appears above a player talking.
  • More sound effects.
  • Colors are more vibrant.
  • Level tweaks to make the game more enjoyable.
  • The lower screen was redesigned a bit.

Version 1.4

  • More levels.
  • Many songs were added, replacing the previous lower-quality ones.
  • Added brightness and grayscale (at the bottom of menu 2).
  • Exiting the game via the Exit button will reset all system settings and extended features that were modified.
  • The flickering stripes glitch has been worked around.
  • Various other small tweaks.

Version 1.3

  • Two new backgrounds.
  • Graphics render properly with back-face culling.
  • New custom font.
  • The menu is wider.
  • Menu items were slightly reordered and tweaked.
  • Improved the 2nd control scheme, easier to use.
  • The chat talks back to you.
  • Fixed random teleportation-in-water bug.
  • The sandwich level is a tiny bit easier and the graphics upgrade makes it look much better.
  • Removed default SmileBASIC beeps/sounds.
  • A few other minor adjustments.

Version 1.2

  • Player shadow is always visible when above an object.
  • Finally removed the annoying player rotation animation which was the cause of countless deaths.
  • Platform sliding has been slightly lowered.
  • Minor adjustments to resolve too easy/too difficult levels.
  • Now introducing a new control scheme where the circle pad controls player movement, try it out by going to the orange menu, and tell me what you think.
  • Also a slight performance boost.

Version 1.1

  • Many levels added.
  • Other various improvements.

Version 1.0

  • The game is finally out of beta.

Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Let me start off by saying Thank you very much for the review, seriously, haven't gotten any true criticism like this yet, and i'll gladly take it. When I read the whole fackward thing, I was like "How the FUUUUUUUUUUU... did I not notice that", but yeah your right apparently I was blind enough to not notice it And I guess I could try switching around the levels to make them easiest to hardest, my original plan was to randomize the levels so that the player doesn't get bored of playing one concept over and over Haha yeah so I guess there will be another version, fixing everything people are noticing wrong with it. My goal here is to make it as bug free as possible... not including the graphical 'glitches' because it would greatly affect performance, I sped up the game by a factor of 2-3 just by removing as many lines as possible in the draw function (DEF BOX)... also undoing all the abstraction so it doesn't call another function For my SmileBASIC play time: 715 hours Before this project I was at roughly 400-500... Yeah I don't think that's something to be proud of... way too much time spent As for controls: Could you maybe explain? A lot of people have said that, and to be honest I thought this was the best control scheme, I will gladly change them, I just don't know what to change Some Japanese guys said to switch the circle pad with ABXY, I think that's just a Japanese thing though I could even add an option to select which control scheme to use.

Woah. This has what is probably the most polished GUI I have ever seen. The game is fun as well; the first level is RIDICULOUSLY HARD but introduced me to the game really well actually; start big, 2nd level seemed easy by comparison. The graphics are very impressive, I have yet to ask my friend to test multiplayer, and it seems like an amazing game. Beautiful!

Replying to:Yolkai
I only make high quality levels. Edit: byyyy the way you have yourself marked as the translator. That's only for weirdo cases with actually translating someone else's program
Oh whoops I mean I was working on a translated version, then I ran into checking if a string contains letters, and realized how much work that would take, i'll fix it, my bad

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Yeah I agree with the Difficulty, I only got past Level 3 by doing a weird thing with the properties of the sides of platforms, (Wall running?) Heck, I barely made it past Level 2 (For reasons specified later) I'd much prefer if you had levels randomized instead, or allowed the player to skip levels after a certain number of tries.(?) Better yet make random levels an arcade mode or something. Ive been stuck on Stage 8 all day, Im really not sure how you get through it, I assumed it had something to do with your velocity when begining a glide but so far thats only barely gotten me closer to the rainbow cube :/ Another thing is how you have no control of your in air movement when you jump, which i feel is a big no-no for a 3D Platformer, especially one with many quick moving platforms. (Level 2 is a perfect example of difficulty just from the bothersome controls/physics) Jumps are just way too committal. Sliding is just ridiculous. It's super bothersome to finally make a tight jump, only to slip right off the platform just because you couldnt move your hand to the Y-Button in time to cancel sliding. I say you should just remove sliding if possible. It just doesnt work for a 3D Platformer with such percise jumps and such. A few minor nitpicks: The player Triangle can be seen through walls and can be kinda confusing The lack of a shadow when jumping kind of breaks one of the rules of making a 3D Platformer, being that the shadow be used as a landing marker, and not just for show. Probably some other things I cant come up with right this moment :X Overall, I very much love this game! If you can keep coming up with updates, but please try to fix these issues sometime in the future, thanks! (PS: Can you give like a general summary of Multiplayer? Is it like single player but more people at once, like Super Mario 3D World, or something else entirely?)

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
You're very welcome. It's your choice if you'd like to change the levels' order, obviously. I hadn't known that you had been doing them randomly. I actually assumed that all levels were of that difficulty or harder. That opinion might be kind of biased though, since I don't have the greatest patience with succeeding at levels or failing at them. I think I read about that problem with fixing the graphical glitch(es) in your replies to other comments. That's a pretty large speed increment. I wonder how my opinion of the game would have differed if it were 2/3 times slower (maybe I'd have more success because of the more focused movement or more failure because of my impatience). I don't think taking that amount of "way too much time" is a bad thing, it shows that you were devoted to making the game as good as it is now, the way I see it.
"About the 'issue' with controls" Ah... I suppose it's just an inconvenience to move with the buttons, perhaps because it doesn't allow for easy diagonal movement or is just a generally uncommon method. Thinking of a "better" control scheme is something I don't know if I have good judgement at doing, but I think that switching the circle pad with the buttons would certainly be a positive change, assuming you don't go with my suggestion later in this comment. I don't know whether this would be a good idea or how complicated it'd be to implement, but perhaps you could change the controls section to one of the "tabs" on the right side of the touchscreen that the player could open and view. In their place would be a box or something, a "touch-pad", that the player can slide or something to rotate the camera. This would free up the circle pad, which could then be used for smooth movement, presumably in all directions. Of course, the new functions for buttons could be up to your discretion, but I think I'd leave A as the button for jumping, change B to the button for preventing sliding (it'd retain its purpose as a common "back button", as it opposes going, sliding, forward), X could be changed to the button that toggles text whilst Y could be changed to the button that resets the player (this would accommodate for players who have broken L/R buttons, something I believe to be a common thing, and basically shift the overall controls to the circle pad and buttons: what I think most games are controlled with unless additional controls were "needed", where L/R would be given their own functions); L and R would become obsolete or hold their original functions. Also, I would like to point out that while thinking of this "control plan", I decided to try zooming in and out (which I hadn't tried earlier) and was pleased by how smooth and comfortable to use it is. Anyway, I think my "control plan" basically improves movement's accuracy and makes the controls more common whilst making helpful accommodations for players.
A suggestion that might make my "control plan" better is to change the chat into a tab that the player may open and view, along with the controls, so that more of the touchscreen would be dedicated to the "touch-pad" functioning comfortably as the camera rotation. I apologize if anything in this reply is unclear. [EDIT] I read this post when it said you'd replied 12 minutes ago. I hadn't replied to it until now: it says you'd replied 2 hours ago. I spent a while writing this and/or got distracted many times, it may seem.

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Alright sweet, yeah I'll be working on the things you said, ElzoBro. I made the levels a bit too hard, level 8 is a good example, so I will tweak them a bit I'm slightly concerned that in-air movement would ruin most of the levels, but I'll test it out and see what its like, maybe having some levels allow it and some not...? I'll definitely increase the ground friction, lol, it will still be there though >:) Your minor nitpicks seem reasonable, I'll see what I can do Multiplayer I actually spent a huge amount of the development time on this one, since I have an old 3DS to test it with. So basically the host has all the control for pausing/unpausing the game Level data does not transfer to all the 3DS' because I figured nobody would really be using the feature enough. But you can chat with players and watch them fail on the levels, the players can be on any level, and you'll always see them, floating (which I thought was an awesome idea, but idk), the game time syncs meaning whatever FPS the host has, all the connected devices will have it too, synchronization is the key idea to multiplayer. Its a cool idea but their aren't really any new features that come with it. And to Omiwa Oh man I am slightly speechless, why didn't I think of that, I'll try the controls, I'll consider all of it, I really like the idea of moving the chat to a menu control panel, then having an on-screen camera movement (like Monster Hunter 4!) I could completely remove the camera movement/D-Pad correlation! Wow Dang I should have began this project with this community, MiiVerse was no help

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Goodness, that reply was quick. You seem pleased and I'm happy to think that my suggestions were helpful. I've only played the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate "Special" Demo of the franchise. I don't remember it very well and didn't enjoy it much (I feel so sorry for the monsters). I'm not sure if what I said reminded you of how Monster Hunter 4 is controlled or if my "control plan" just bared lots of similarity to it. I hope you feel positively inspired though. Sorry, I'm unclear about what you mean by having an on-screen camera movement. Might you be able to clarify for me? Is it basically what I'd said? On-screen, by itself, I think would usually be assumed to refer not to the touch screen, which is not what I was meaning to suggest (I tend to be very wordy with things and sometimes flop at getting my point across). I'm also unclear about what you meant by removing the "camera movement/D-Pad correlation." When I was saying something about zooming in and out, through use of the D-Pad, I was complimenting it on its smoothness and not suggesting that it be removed (I say this in case you interpreted my compliment as otherwise, which is not what I'd want to happen) . I'm sorry if my suggestions appeared not as they were meant to. I'm also sorry if anything here is not easy to understand.

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
(Wow, it took forever to find that reply button) I think a good control system might be (I haven't tested it): Circle pad: Move C stick: Move camera L/R: Jump/Prevent sliding maybe ZL/ZR could do something too (maybe zooming in/out?) and the rest of the buttons would do stuff that isn't as important, such as changing the music and resetting the level. But of course, a much better option would just be to allow all the controls to be changed. (also this one would only work on the new 3DS)

only if you've reached level 16I can't figure out how to beat level 16; nothing I do gets me any closer to the goal than just holding X

Replying to:12Me21
only if you've reached level 16I can't figure out how to beat level 16; nothing I do gets me any closer to the goal than just holding X
Spoiler Oh you gotta go backward as much as you can, then forward and that should give you enough momentum to win... I should add a small hint message, like for every 8 fails hm that would be a nice feature

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
@Omiwa: Oh my bad, you're good, I will see what I can do, controls wise, I understand what you're saying, I was just thinking out loud and late reply, sorry about that @12Me21: Only allowing the controls to be changed on new 3DS'? Hm, I do like your idea for the controls Question: By using the circle pad to move, does that imply that the player can move left and right too (without looking left or right)? Or having the player only be able to move forward and backwards, then left and right to rotate the camera? Does that make sense?
Because both seem like good ideas, I dont know if allowing the player to move left and right would be overpowering or not

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
(I meant, my control idea would only work on the n3DS because it has the c-stick and ZL/ZR buttons) and yeah, I think the player should be able to move sideways (maybe sideways/backwards movement should be slower, though)

Replying to:Amoura
Why did you say fackward and not forward? I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high. I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great. The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully. I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that. Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded. The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles. Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span? You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Understood. I don't know if your question was directed at only 12Me21 or both of us. I'll answer anyway, because I want to. I think I understand what you said. I think that being able to move in all directions would be good ("This would free up the circle pad, which could then be used for smooth movement, presumably in all directions"). I think recently or possibly after reading what you'd said, I thought that making the camera automatically move along with the circle pad being used for movement might be a good idea. It's not my "control plan", but it does seem like something to consider. I wonder if you've thought of it already.

I don't know about everyone else, but I think the game was challenging at a perfect level. Level 1 could be merged a bit. I also suggest a camera sensitivity option if there isn't one already. The camera moves so rapidly to the point I'm using the circle Pad Pro as its less sensitive. Also, this is more of a puzzle game than a platformer. You spend more time thinking about your movements than performing them. This is a result of the unspecified object distance and lack of air control. The graphical errors are noticeable, but not enough of a nuisance to ask for top-priority bugfixing. There's my critique. Overall the game was a piece of art and by far in the top 5 on the site, if not #1. It's so impressive how it can run so fast while computing so many things at once; I've never seen any game do it as well. I feel that if mended this would make an extraordinary puzzle game, though it still works great as it is. The music is also some of the best I've seen here. Great game and keep up the good work!

Beautiful. Just beautiful. Kudos to you, my friend.

I can't wait to review the code! Looks amazing at a first glance!

If only stuff like this existed on PTC...

I love the new control system There's a bug(?) where the camera still rolls when you push the circle pad sideways

Ooh, nice. I like the control changes. Once again, the graphic interface or whatever is in the settings is so beautiful. [EDIT]: I love the other control option. Also, assuming you removed the requirement of saving in between stages on my behalf, thank you. I actually "gave the game a chance" and, gosh, it's so amazing. I have, yet, another control suggestion. It's assigning the music changing button in control option 2 to R rather than ZL. Users without a New 3DS will be able to use that feature in the second option of controls (also R seems to be doing ABSOLUTELY nothing in that option so I'm... really thinking it's a good idea, maybe). [EDIT 2]: I wish automatic scrolling for the camera could be turned off in control option 2. I want to mention that I love the layout of settings all that is in there (I tried to crash the calculator thing, actually, but you seemed prepared). Also, on a POSSIBLY unrelated note, I may despise the number 6 and anything related to sandwiches.