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Why did you say fackward and not forward?
I only made chose to reach stage 3 as the difficulty, even from the beginning, is high.
I've seen some weird graphical changes, glitches perhaps, but the game looks great.
The controls are kind of bothersome in my opinion, but even on my 3DS, the original type, I didn't notice lag or anything so it presumably renders everything wonderfully.
I like the music. Although you apparently didn't make it, I did want to make note of that.
Although this presumably is just something that bothers me, I wish it didn't require me to save my data after clearing a stage. Sometimes, I prefer to leave things as they are downloaded.
The layout for things is strange (maybe just the options and other "tabs"), but fancy and modern looking compared to some other styles.
Good job. I wonder how long you spent working on this. Assuming you dedicated most time on SmileBASIC to it, might you tell me using your activity log how much time you spent in the software across the project's developmental span?
You uploaded two screenshots to the site; displayed both whilst they're the same thing: is that so?
Let me start off by saying Thank you very much for the review, seriously, haven't gotten any true criticism like this yet, and i'll gladly take it.
When I read the whole fackward thing, I was like "How the FUUUUUUUUUUU... did I not notice that", but yeah your right apparently I was blind enough to not notice it
And I guess I could try switching around the levels to make them easiest to hardest, my original plan was to randomize the levels so that the player doesn't get bored of playing one concept over and over
Haha yeah so I guess there will be another version, fixing everything people are noticing wrong with it.
My goal here is to make it as bug free as possible... not including the graphical 'glitches' because it would greatly affect performance, I sped up the game by a factor of 2-3 just by removing as many lines as possible in the draw function (DEF BOX)... also undoing all the abstraction so it doesn't call another function
For my SmileBASIC play time: 715 hours
Before this project I was at roughly 400-500...
Yeah I don't think that's something to be proud of... way too much time spent
As for controls: Could you maybe explain? A lot of people have said that, and to be honest I thought this was the best control scheme, I will gladly change them, I just don't know what to change
Some Japanese guys said to switch the circle pad with ABXY, I think that's just a Japanese thing though
I could even add an option to select which control scheme to use.