Might make SBS readonly: thread

Super Bearland

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Version:2.0.0Size:804 KB
Bears have evolved the ability to shapeshift into anything (or anyone) you can imagine! (Or maybe your eyesight is just really poor?) Either way, one wrong step could be your last in the randomly generated world of Super Bearland. Hunt those beasts down before they hunt you! Talk to people to get Clues about the Bear's location and disguise. Check objects to find the Tools you need to take the Bear down! But if you accidentally Talk to or Check the Bear, it's Game Over! Each round lasts 2-5 minutes, but no two games are alike with randomized levels, optional challenges, and a heaping helping of unlockables. Keep playing and experimenting to see if you can find them all!


WARNING: Contains flashing light effects and "jumpscares" upon losing. If you are sensitive to either of these, disable them in the Settings Menu. Circle Pad / D-Pad: Move L / R / Hold Touch Screen: Fast Forward "T" in the top left corner: Toggle Typewriter Animation Bear Trap: Throw at suspected Bears to eliminate them. Bearometer: Determines if a Bear is in the current Town. Super Bear Trap: Eliminates the current Town, and everything inside. Decoy: Automatically prevents one Theft attempt.


Cool Features:
  • Retro music & sound effects
  • CRT-style scan lines
  • Procedurally generated levels, with Autobalance
  • Advanced Narrator system
  • NES Font
  • Kerning (Reduces empty space between letters)
  • 6 unlockable game modes
  • Unlockable Challenge Mode (stacks with other modes)
  • Notebook (Automatically keeps track of hints)
And more!

Saw the game and immediately thought beerland

Replying to:Joshuaham123
Saw the game and immediately thought beerland
no it's about bears

Replying to:Joshuaham123
Saw the game and immediately thought beerland
But the beer COULD be a bear.

Replying to:h267
I thought I could resist, but no. I simply cannot go without trying this game! Downloading it now lol.
what's considered cheating?

This game is super fun

This is cool!

somehow i lost in 1 bear mode on a 3x3 map but my win streak went up. i don't know what triggers this. also, i have a SUGGESTION:in the next update, add the version number to the title screen

Replying to:IAmRalsei
somehow i lost in 1 bear mode on a 3x3 map but my win streak went up. i don't know what triggers this. also, i have a SUGGESTION:in the next update, add the version number to the title screen
I'll check that out, thanks.

Replying to:Joshuaham123
This game is super fun
Thanks! That's the #1 thing I was hoping for.

i like how there's not a single downvote

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
well this is a MASTERPIECE!

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
i know!!!!! but some people dislike MASTERPIECES!!!!

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
yeah, too bad you dont have any.

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
I have to admit, that was a pretty sweet insult.

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
Like me lol

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
no, button masher.SB is a masterpiece

I nearly threw my 3DS when I saw the jumpscare!
that I’m dumbI guess it serves me right for not looking at the instructions section lmao
This a really good game, I’d like to see more SB games like this! Nice job!

Uhhh someone gave this work of art a downvote

Replying to:GameLover39
Uhhh someone gave this work of art a downvote
How dare they I swear it wasn’t me I gave this an upvote Some skrub must’ve gotten a notification when I commented and decided to downvote after reading the comment below mine

Replying to:IAmRalsei
i like how there's not a single downvote
Your comment is false now, somebody somehow downvoted it. Now just inch over to that delete comment button and...