
So what do we know about SmileBASIC 3.3?

Root / General / [.]

the IP DLC list:
GALAXIAN - Galaxian
PACMAN - Pac-Man
XEVIOUS - Xevious
GALAGA - Galaga
MAPPY - Mappy
DIGDUG - Dig Dug
DRUAGA - Tower of Druaga
B_CITY - Battle City
S_LUSTER - Star Luster
SKYKID - Sky Kid
D_BUSTER - Dragon Buster
GENPEI - Genpei Tōma Den
BABEL - Tower of Babel
A_VALKYRIE - Valkyrie no Bōken
YOKAI - Yokai Dochuki
W_MOMO - Wonder Momo
WAGAN - Wagan Land

Woo! So 3.3.0 is oficially out in Japan, but does anybody know when it releases overseas? I'm refreshing the eShop like mad right now! HYPE Also, SB Wii U HYPE

Woo! So 3.3.0 is oficially out in Japan, but does anybody know when it releases overseas? I'm refreshing the eShop like mad right now! HYPE Also, SB Wii U HYPE
"We are preparing an update of SmileBASIC along with the JP version. We cannot tell a firm date for the overseas yet but it is coming in Apr." That answers that question then. [Admin Edit] Source: https://twitter.com/smilebasic_com/status/714631865697574915

New english tweet "Japanese version of SmileBASIC Ver.3.3 has been released in Japan today and the overseas version is coming out very soon." https://twitter.com/smilebasic_com/status/717618012614832129?lang=en

PSA guys just stop no one ever said "yeah Europe is kinda iffy" it's happening
NYEEHHHH WHEN[at or ]after NA 3.3
calm your cancer cells

Since this is what everyone cares about
BGSCREEN layer%,width%,height%{,tilesize%}

   layer%: target layer
   width%: new width of layer (tiles)
  height%: new height of layer
tilesize%: width/height of tiles (px)
    valid values are
    - 8: tiles are 8x8
         tileid range 0-4095
    -16: tiles are 16x16 (default)
         tileid range 0-1023
    -32: tiles are 32x32
         tileid range 0-255

Since this is what everyone cares about
BGSCREEN layer%,width%,height%{,tilesize%}

   layer%: target layer
   width%: new width of layer (tiles)
  height%: new height of layer
tilesize%: width/height of tiles (px)
    valid values are
    - 8: tiles are 8x8
         tileid range 0-4095
    -16: tiles are 16x16 (default)
         tileid range 0-1023
    -32: tiles are 32x32
         tileid range 0-255
YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Once I get my hands on this update I can finally being working on the actual game part of my game!

3.3 is... Not what I had expected, but it's fine from the way I see it.

Uh... some... updates... http://smileboom.com/special/ptcm3/dlc/soundunit/ page... added... with source... code... http://petitcom.net/ updated... with... new commands... refer... for example... http://petitcom.net/3gou/manual/bgmpause yes... In... the Japanese... pop-up help... description... for BGMPAUSE... it... may list... a... "0"... fade value as.. "immediate resume"... when... "immediate suspension"... was meant... https://twitter.com/nekohachi1/status/717970178642825217 neko800... used the... Galaxian assets... to... create... wherein you... control the aliens... https://twitter.com/notohoho/status/718239762990153728 Something... about... needing... to... ACLS... after activating... DLC...

That's... some... really... nice... information... ,... Lumage... Thanks... for... keeping... us... up... to... date!...

^... I agree... very... strongly... with... that... statement...

Remember my docs project? It's not dead, just in …editing hell. Anyway, here's ARYOP from the Sound Unit pack described to the best of my knowledge. https://github.com/slackerSnail/sbdoc-cc/blob/master/instruction/soundunit/aryop.md I'll be pushing out new pages of 3.3 stuff. Just for you.

How soon is very soon? It certainly isn't soon enough...

How soon is very soon? It certainly isn't soon enough...
Considering that they put up the 3.3 bug list today and a big page explaining Namco in depth, I would hope they're coming close. Let's not be hasty though.

3.3.0 is out in North America. https://twitter.com/smilebasic_com/status/725134756665380864 Go under eshop/top left corner button/Settings Other/History/Updates to download it!

Damn everyone is faster than I

WHA!??!?!!?! Forget Sega Classics 3D or whatever SMILEBASIC 3.32X32 BG TILES IS HERE!

Bwaugh?! I took a nap and shit went down! I should try that more often...

I wonder why the dlc packs aren't available?