
SmileBASIC Program Contest

Root / Talk About Programs / [.]


argh [poll=p10][/poll]

What will happen with the old poll?

What will happen with the old poll?

What will happen with the old poll?
Shouldn't it be closed then? Random did say the feature was added recently.

What will happen with the old poll?
Shouldn't it be closed then? Random did say the feature was added recently.
It's closed.

What will happen with the old poll?
Shouldn't it be closed then? Random did say the feature was added recently.
It's closed.
just delete the old post

What will happen with the old poll?
Shouldn't it be closed then? Random did say the feature was added recently.
It's closed.
just delete the old post
You should have just edited the old one to replace the poll.. P.S. are we allowed to vote for our own program?

Welp, 12Me21 brings the good stuff as always.

Alright, the winner is................................................................... 12Me21, with game3! Second place is a 3-way tie........ cough


Okay.....This is ridiculous. [poll=p12][/poll] I'm not voting this time, good luck to both of you.


That was a very short second tiebreaker. Only 2 hours to vote? Oh well. At least I still placed. Thank you for hosting this contest, ChemicalHex!

That was a very short second tiebreaker. Only 2 hours to vote? Oh well. At least I still placed. Thank you for hosting this contest, ChemicalHex!
To 12Me21 and JustGreat: In order to receive your robux prize, you must join this group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2643573 Payment may take up to a week (I splurged a little while budgeting a game) To Ionesque: Name a plugin you would like made for SBSChat. I'll most likely host another contest without prizes. It was a bad idea to give away all those robux when I was trying to budget a game.

prizes are always a good idea; otherwise no one will enter.

prizes are always a good idea; otherwise no one will enter.
The only good prizes available possibly only if everyone chips in EShop cards.

even if they're bad prizes, people will still enter for some reason lol

even if they're bad prizes, people will still enter for some reason lol
Win, and you get........ A free forum post for use on smilebasicsource.com!!!

WOAH!!! SIGN ME UP!!!!!!!1111