QR Code Scanning Simulator
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Do you miss scanning QR codes in PTC?
Well, I have a solution!
Oh, uhh, this thing is like partially half unfinished (I guess)
make sure you use the highest numbered program
Oh thanks allot, I thought I was supposed to use those numbers for like each QR thanks.
Please explain how this works.
It uses the gyroscope:
Pitch = up/down
Roll = tilting
Yaw = left/right
(measured in RADIANS :( for some reason)
and moves the sprite in the opposite direction, so it stays in place.
Can I scan MM2PTC with this?
It's not real, it's a simulator. There's no real camera access yet in SmileBASIC sadly :(
There isn't going to be. Nintendo privacy regulation doesn't want camera access in user-created software like this. People could make programs that discreetly take pictures or film people.
Dang, camera access would be great (actual QR scanner!)
Maybe they could add if it played a really loud sound like it does.
Oh yeah, I DON'T miss PTC's QRs.... Oh those things were so annoying...
May I use this with Petit Computer 3DS?
Sure! as long as you give credit
Thanks, I haven't added credit to you yet (AND I HAVE'T EVEN GIVEN MYSELF CREDIT xD) So Ill add both of us when there is a menu because of SmileBoom I had to but SmileBoom.Ltd because they mad petit computer. I hope you understand and sorry... :(
Next up is a thing where you input data arrays shaped like QRs and then read the data.
That's possible, right?
My gold membership isn't working, and I can't upload any new stuff without deleting old projects (like this one)