Yeah, FORTRAN is an ancient IBM thing. Apparently it's still in use for science and supercomputing, what a world.Huh. FORTRANHaha! Yeah, I think that's what the language was called! He was doing that in college, and then worked for Texas Instruments for a while before he married Mom, I think. He's learned a TON of languages since then and is currently working as a programmer for TicketMaster.
Poll thread: How old are you and what programming languages do you have experience with?
Huh. FORTRANHaha! Yeah, I think that's what the language was called! He was doing that in college, and then worked for Texas Instruments for a while before he married Mom, I think. He's learned a TON of languages since then and is currently working as a programmer for TicketMaster.
haha looking at this thread makes me feel unaccomplished, anyway
Experience: ive programmed on and off for the past like 3 years
Petitie Computer
a little bit of html; i can make a basic website with it
a little bit of C#;i can make basic programs with it, however im going to learn it soon
Age: 16
Experience: I've been programming quite a bit (Although there was like a whole year that I didn't) since I was about 11 (so about 5 years)
SmileBASIC (Both 3 and 2)
Visual Basic.NET
Languages I can do simple things in:
6502 ASM
and finally
Bash Scripting
Age: 22
Experience: Making weird software since I was 16. I made a lot of mods for ZDoom (my "truly" first experience with code) and the culmination of my experiece on it was doing a port of a point-and-click horror game on the engine, and someone posted a video of the first part! Other stuff could be this or this. While i'm studying CS, i don't consider myself a "professional". I code just for fun, and yet I barely know how to render a barebone 3D ò.ó.
Languages i'm most familiar with:
Languages i barely touched:
Languages I NEVER touched again:
-Pascal -PHP -C -C++ -SmileBASIC (3x ver. Because portability) -ACS (Action-Code script. Language of ZDoom) -Java -JS -SQL (PostgreSQL mainly)Spoiler
- C# - QBasicSpoiler
- Ruby - M.U.G.E.N. Language (or whatever is called) - GameMakerScript (Seriously, what the hell?)Looking at these lists, I need to learn some more programming languages ;_;no. it's one thing to play around and find out what you like, but "knowing" more languages doesn't mean you're any good. It looks impressive, which is why everyone is listing HTML and CSS, but it doesn't actually mean anything, especially because extent of knowledge of each one varies by user. Knowing a language or specific API doesn't make you a good programmer.
Just because a language uses another language's syntax it certainly does not mean it's not considered a programming language. With that mindset, you might as well say that C++ is not a programming language either since it's just a more specific version of C, that runs off the C compiler. As long as you can code in it, and make it do what you want, it is a programming language. But this thread isn't for arguing, it's for users to share their experience, so I won't expand on thisC++ is a library for C C with #include <iostream> equals C++You say that as if it were true.
I think this is the only"programming" site where people doesn't get triggered by saying that HTML/CSS/JS are programming languages hahahah...
Also, what matters the most IMO is your logic. If you only know 1-4 programming language/s, but you're good at logic, you will be better than people that knows 20+ programming languages but barely knows how to develop a coherent algoritm. I've seen people that knows languages and frameworks better than i do, but yet they try to use a screwdriver as a hammer for nails, if you guys know what i meant...