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Poll thread: How old are you and what programming languages do you have experience with?

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Age: 15 Experience: Petit Computer mk. II for 2 years, Petit Computer mk. III for 1 year Every Programming language I have tried:
  • Petit Computer mk. II (Petit Computer)
  • Petit Computer mk. III (SmileBASIC)
  • HTML
  • Python
  • QBasic/QB64
  • Ruby
  • C#
  • C
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • Lua
  • Small Basic
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • Assembly
  • Scratch (Tried as a joke, but I will never use it in my life again)
I mainly use SmileBASIC and Python, but try the others whenever I'm bored.

age=french uh i'm doing some shitpost in c and i'm learning smilebasic

Age- 11 (almost 12) Languages; BASIC Game Maker Code scratch wariowarediy

Age : In the single digits.

Age : In the single digits.
But isn't crack a drug?

Age : In the single digits.
But isn't crack a drug?
the most addictive language ever, making it illegal on most of the internet

Age 15 Fluent Languages: Python, HTML, CSS Languages I am ok at: Smilebasic and BASIC Languages I am learning: Ruby, Lua, Fortran (Via an emulator) and C++ So yeah Learning 5 languages at once isn't a good idea but why the fuck not?

Age : In the single digits.
But isn't crack a drug?
the most addictive language ever, making it illegal on most of the internet
Oh. Okay. Lets call the cyber police on lumage.

Oh. Okay. Lets call the cyber police on lumage.
I think you mean Y_ack because she changed her name to Y_ack.

Oh. Okay. Lets call the cyber police on lumage.
I think you mean Y_ack because she changed her name to Y_ack.
still the same

  • Java
  • C
  • Z80/eZ80 Assembly
  • x86_64 Linux Assembly
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • SmileBASIC
SQL, HTML, and CSS are not programming languages, but those too since people seem to be listing them. I mainly code in C when writing software for the computer.
Yo, I've got a few graphing calculators based on the Z80 (a ti-85, 86, and 83+) I am already fluent in TI-Basic, and I am interested in developing in asm for these, do you know of any resources I could use?

Yo, I've got a few graphing calculators based on the Z80 (a ti-85, 86, and 83+) I am already fluent in TI-Basic, and I am interested in developing in asm for these, do you know of any resources I could use?

Age:potato Languages: Python SMILE BASIC JAVA SCRIPT I still am not the best but I'm getting somewhere.

Age: OVER 9000!!! Power: UNDER 0!!! Languages: Englerish, Ference. Programming: SlimeBASIC, Jeva, *3unnv A serious error has occured!

i'm 16 and i have experienced scratch.mit and smile basic.

i'm 16 and i have experienced scratch.mit and smile basic.
Do you mean you're experienced in Scratch or SmileBASIC or have experienced Scratch and SmileBASIC? If so, I recommend checking out another programming language like Python.

i'm 16 and i have experienced scratch.mit and smile basic.
Do you mean you're experienced in Scratch or SmileBASIC or have experienced Scratch and SmileBASIC? If so, I recommend checking out another programming language like Python.
well i'm more experienced in scratch but i have used smile basic so i have experienced both of them. i'm better at scratch though which sucks.

Age: potato

OK THIS THING IS A LITTLE----- Ok, forward on... Age: Holy SHIET Languages: (lol so few) English (obviously) Spanish (Bienvenidos a Mรฉxico lol) SmileBasic (obviously x2) Gameboy Programming Language (I don't know its name, but I use a debugger for programming)

Age: 16 Future plans: I really want to get into computer science. It's a subject I really like and would like to work more with. Languages (ranked from to most favorite to least favorite): Javascript SmileBASIC 4 SmileBASIC 3 Python 3 Scratch Petit Computer