Root / Submissions / [.]
A crappy mixture of stuff to make a bootleg PetitWorld.
It uses the console as its main display.
Falling is slow because it has to render (cls then print) every step down.
jumping must be fixed
falling out of the world is fun from the bottom
pretty cool and fun
Replying to:
jumping must be fixed
falling out of the world is fun from the bottom
pretty cool and fun
i *can't* fix jumping much more than what it already is without using the console as a mask for a real physics engine which would take a lot more time that i'm not willing to put into this game
Replying to:
jumping must be fixed
falling out of the world is fun from the bottom
pretty cool and fun
though you might add bedrock..? or something
oh btw idk if you know this but there's a reply button that's useful for things like these
I'll just make it so you can't fall out of the bottom instead.
I don't want to put bedrock around the whole map just to keep realism
cpough cough a little late
Only the character is text-based everything else (at least appears) sprite-based
no, only the character is spritebased
This is a good attempt at recreating Petit World, but contolling was extremely hard, and controlls are weird. Good try.
Replying to:
This is a good attempt at recreating Petit World, but contolling was extremely hard, and controlls are weird. Good try.
Uh, not to be mean here, but your 'Good try' sounds a little condescending, and I don't see anything you've done that backs up that sort of confidence.
Also, this started out as a way to view my crappy terrain generation. I like the time it takes to make graphics and would never play this game myself.
Replying to:
This is a good attempt at recreating Petit World, but contolling was extremely hard, and controlls are weird. Good try.
So you just slapped a bunch of code together assuming it would work?