Might make SBS readonly: thread

PaintTool 「juhsy」Ver237d

Root / Submissions / [.]

32bit COLOR PaintTOOL ・5 Layer ・HSV/RGBCOLORPicker You Need 「Advanced Sound Processing Unit」(DLC) Sorry, automatic language switching was not working well, we fixed.(ver208n~) UNDO、fixed(ver208t~) menuColor、changed(ver209l~) WaterDropPen(211d~ ) NewLayerSettingTool(213d~) Intensive line(215b~) QuasiPressureMode(219c~) AlphaLockMode fix(220a~) Help fix(222c~) fingerPen(227g~) LayerALPHAsetting(←→key:layersettingmode)(229e~) LayerALPHAsettingSave&αBlendFix(230d~) ReferencePen(232b~) PetitModemPZGfile Export/import(235e~) ButtonCustomize(236n~)→BUGfix(236p) STROKE counter (237d~) Version not requiring ASPunit, oldVersion(ver132c)【DD53VKHE】(change English Message Line36 =0→=1) Explanation in Japanese http://wiki.hosiken.jp/petc3gou/?Toukou%2Fjuhsy


TOP SCREEN reference UP Button COLOR Set LEFT spoit RIGHT SPECIAL pen DOWN toggle Eraser Pen Mode

Did a good job with all the screenshots. Too bad I don't have the dlc to try it out

Hory crap "Okay, they created a drawing with the program, that's nice, really demonstrates the capabilities of—oh, okay, they created a few drawings, that's cool, must be an avid artist—oh..." In all seriousness, the program is amazing, runs like a champ on N3DS, I suppose that's the ASP Unit at work. Wish I could read Japanese a little better to follow the code. In any case, that too is well organized and structured. Nice gem this is.

Wait, why do you need the ASP Unit again? I thought it was another brilliantly complex drawing program. Will try out on my o3ds with no asp unit.

Replying to:Defaultio
Wait, why do you need the ASP Unit again? I thought it was another brilliantly complex drawing program. Will try out on my o3ds with no asp unit.
Necessary for quick array processing

Definitely the best art app on SmileBASIC. It's difficult to use for starters, since most of the app is not in English. But I got the hang of it eventually, and oh boy... the shading mechanism is so high quality! There's some kind of color multiply brush that brightens and makes the colors more vibrant around the edges of the brush (toggleable by pressing left twice), that tool is amazing. Hold left and tap a region to get the color at that point. Press up to open the color selector interface, when in that interface use left and right to switch layers, and favorite the color by long tapping one of the squares at the bottom. Oh and press B to undo the last stroke. After figuring the controls out, the app becomes really powerful.

Replying to:Simeon
Definitely the best art app on SmileBASIC. It's difficult to use for starters, since most of the app is not in English. But I got the hang of it eventually, and oh boy... the shading mechanism is so high quality! There's some kind of color multiply brush that brightens and makes the colors more vibrant around the edges of the brush (toggleable by pressing left twice), that tool is amazing. Hold left and tap a region to get the color at that point. Press up to open the color selector interface, when in that interface use left and right to switch layers, and favorite the color by long tapping one of the squares at the bottom. Oh and press B to undo the last stroke. After figuring the controls out, the app becomes really powerful.
Wow, that’s really cool for an SB program!

Replying to:spaceturtles
Did a good job with all the screenshots. Too bad I don't have the dlc to try it out
I know right. This looks really good. Is there any way to make a version without the ASP for those of us?

Replying to:spaceturtles
Did a good job with all the screenshots. Too bad I don't have the dlc to try it out
Yeah you'd have to dig around the code and replace the dlc functions with slower free equivalents

i have the old 3ds

Replying to:Aris_A
i have the old 3ds
When there is ASP unit, you can play by OLD3DS.(Sorry、Automatic translation) more Version not requiring ASP, old(ver132c)【DD53VKHE】(change English Message Line36 =0→=1)

Replying to:Simeon
Definitely the best art app on SmileBASIC. It's difficult to use for starters, since most of the app is not in English. But I got the hang of it eventually, and oh boy... the shading mechanism is so high quality! There's some kind of color multiply brush that brightens and makes the colors more vibrant around the edges of the brush (toggleable by pressing left twice), that tool is amazing. Hold left and tap a region to get the color at that point. Press up to open the color selector interface, when in that interface use left and right to switch layers, and favorite the color by long tapping one of the squares at the bottom. Oh and press B to undo the last stroke. After figuring the controls out, the app becomes really powerful.
Thank you! Long Review!

I think you should make it work without ASP, it may be hard but it would be worth it for people who don't have it. Like me...

Replying to:trickbrain26
I think you should make it work without ASP, it may be hard but it would be worth it for people who don't have it. Like me...
Version not requiring ASP, old(ver132c)【DD53VKHE】(change English Message Line36 =0→=1)
Just thought I'd show you

Replying to:trickbrain26
I think you should make it work without ASP, it may be hard but it would be worth it for people who don't have it. Like me...
I know but I want the newest version.