Might make SBS readonly: thread

Homebrew Thread

Root / General / [.]

Why are us CFW users stereotyped to pirates? One of my questions.
Considering that the SB exploit is only useable with the last firmware, you know, the one where you can't downgrade or install a CFW, and considering that the homebrew launcher alone doesn't allow piracy, that's really unfair and narrow-minded to think that. By the way, SB is now gone from US eshop :/

Why are us CFW users stereotyped to pirates? One of my questions.
Considering that the SB exploit is only useable with the last firmware, you know, the one where you can't downgrade or install a CFW, and considering that the homebrew launcher alone doesn't allow piracy, that's really unfair and narrow-minded to think that.
Actually, if you already have the game on a lower firmware, this will still work (9.0 to 10.7). You can even download the script as long as your NNID is valid (you don't have to update to access SB's servers). Not that many people are in this category, but it's still worth mentioning I guess.

誰だ!?そんな酷い事をした海外人は!? ww None of us had anything to do with making the exploit and most of us didn't even want it to happen. The gbatemp homebrew community, though, doesn't seem to care what happens as long as they get homebrew entrypoints. Hopefully it isn't long for Smilebasic to come back.

Hey guys, long time no chat. Not really sure who changed the title of this thread or why, but so be it. I really don't understand the gbatemp guys and everyone who releases homebrew exploits. What a bunch of dense assholes - it's completely obvious that any homebrew exploit on a non-nintendo game will cause it to be immediately removed from the eShop. Thing is, Nintendo are a bunch of hypocrites, and will never remove their own games from the eShop even if they're primary exploits. They also probably won't update them if they're old enough. So they should stop targeting awesome indie games, and instead target first party games... Like Steel Diver: Sub Wars (free!), any of the countless Mario games, etc... Why bother making an exploit when you KNOW the affected software is going to be removed the next day at the latest? Bunch of retards. Do we know for a fact that SmileBASIC will be back in the US eShop? By the way, any news about UK/Europe?

Not really sure who changed the title of this thread or why, but so be it.
Do we know for a fact that SmileBASIC will be back in the US eShop?
http://smilebasic.com/en/whatsnew/ "As soon as the update is approved SmileBASIC will be back on Nintendo eShop"
By the way, any news about UK/Europe?

Not really sure who changed the title of this thread or why, but so be it.
can't say I agree with calling it "scum". Right now with smilebasic being targeted it did kinda get personal, but from what I can tell the name change was before that... whatever though :P

Not really sure who changed the title of this thread or why, but so be it.
can't say I agree with calling it "scum". Right now with smilebasic being targeted it did kinda get personal, but from what I can tell the name change was before that... whatever though :P
can you agree with calling it a joke. Also, homebrewscum refers to persons.

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC homebrew is great ;D
Why would you be proud of stealing? And why would you ever tell ANYONE at all?

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC homebrew is great ;D
BOOO! SmileBOOM put lots of time and effort into SmileBASIC and you can't even give them $10 (Heck, it was $5 at one time) for their product. Terrible.

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC homebrew is great ;D
Just leave.

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC homebrew is great ;D
Congrats on breaking the law. Do you want a prize or something? There's a great one for criminals.

proud owner of a legitimate copy of SmileBASIC that supports the developers and lets them know that they made a good 3DS application being incredibly salty about freeShop and BASICsploit existing is great ;D

You all rose to his bait. Do you feel fulfilled?

proud owner of a pirated copy of smileBASIC homebrew is great ;D
You just got a legitimate copy of backlash

YOU ALL TOOK THE BAIT hey maybe he lives in europe calm down jerks

gr8 b8 m8

damn i forgot to unwatch this

damn i forgot to unwatch this
