Might make SBS readonly: thread

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"cool." [sic]

OH NO THIS IS BAD. SmileBOOM better get on this before Nintendo takes it down!

yes. this is so terrible it's almost killing me. smileboom has known about it since the first threat. whether smilebasic is taken down or not we'll have to wait and see. smileboom will have the bug used to perform this exploit patched in the next update, but no plans for an early update as far as i can tell.

i think we're all overreacting. Lumage says they know about it so if ninty pulls some funny business they can just say "hey, patch coming" patch review would be way longer and stuff but it's more likely they'll patch it in a little while and we'll be back to normal

Still enough time to install secondary exploits unless the patch is released before the exploit.

All the ignorant people on Twitter make me laugh. "What is SmileBASIC?" "What is Petit Modem?" "I don't think it's worth $10" How funny.

All the ignorant people on Twitter make me laugh. "What is SmileBASIC?" "What is Petit Modem?" "I don't think it's worth $10" How funny.

Not really interesting because there's no cartridge version of SmileBASIC but OK.

Not really interesting because there's no cartridge version of SmileBASIC but OK.
If they release a patch you could always uninstall the updates. Until, of course, Ninty makes it so you're forced to update.

https://twitter.com/MrNbaYoh/status/749769393819815936 Here's the original tweet for anyone interested. Prepare for newbies who buy this and find SB Source.

HakaseHax will be patched guys for anybody that is freaking out that it'll be taken from the eShop, but you never know what SmileBOOM might pull on this(6 month delay for overseas SmileBASIC .-.). This exploit is probably primary because Petit Modem can transfer the files necessary to SmileBASIC, I see that there are 3 files, 2 of them are probably data and the third is a text file. But for Petit Modem, we have to take into consideration on how much memory we have on SmileBASIC, so it may or may not work :/. There may be several ways that this can be installed: 1) Petit Modem(possibly) 2) Another sploit installer 3) WE GET ENCRYPTING 4) Retrieve it from Trinitro21's server on SmileBASIC File Manager :PHP, agh, too many words

Not really interesting because there's no cartridge version of SmileBASIC but OK.
If they release a patch you could always uninstall the updates. Until, of course, Ninty makes it so you're forced to update.
They'll also remove the eshop app temporarily and put it back when it's patched.

Looking on the bright side of this hax, it will introduce a lot of people to SmileBASIC, and if the exploit is patched, they still have a thing that can run homebrew-like stuff (but not as powerful, of course).

Not necessarily. It would seem that the majority of the homebrew community cares very little for the exploit gateways besides them being just that: homebrew exploit gateways. We have gotten a few related members as a result, but far fewer than you would expect from a group of people that would be semi-interested, as you expected. Remember that to everyone else BASIC is gross and not worth touching with a 20-meemoo pole. And that for some reason some of the "real" homebrew community sees "real" homebrew as a right and won't so easily take the (admittedly lesser) alternative.

Not necessarily. It would seem that the majority of the homebrew community cares very little for the exploit gateways besides them being just that: homebrew exploit gateways. We have gotten a few related members as a result, but far fewer than you would expect from a group of people that would be semi-interested, as you expected. Remember that to everyone else BASIC is gross and not worth touching with a 20-meemoo pole. And that for some reason some of the "real" homebrew community sees "real" homebrew as a right and won't so easily take the (admittedly lesser) alternative.
Not gonna argue with that. Large portion of the homebrew community exists to get their sploits and warez.

Remember that to everyone else BASIC is gross and not worth touching with a 20-meemoo pole.
That's why we have N# :)

I bet Smileboom will just patch it once it comes out since this is a recent game unlike Freakyforms.

So SB is gone off the Eshop now... (Thanks) ;---;

So SB is gone off the Eshop now... (Thanks) ;---;
Where'd you get that info? I checked, and it's still available.

So SB is gone off the Eshop now... (Thanks) ;---;
Where'd you get that info? I checked, and it's still available.
He got that from me. It was a lie like a cake.