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Homebrew Thread

Root / General / [.]

Hax them both. Hax everything. Don't stop haxxing until you've haxxed the US government.
But if you hax the US government, you'll find out that they're actually lizard people really nice people!

Hax them both. Hax everything. Don't stop haxxing until you've haxxed the US government.
But if you hax the US government, you'll find out that they're actually lizard people really nice people!

I have questions, once I downgrade, How will I be able to setup emuNAND and CFW? Which one should I do first? If I update emuNAND, will Homebrew still be fine? And one last thing, Can I have a link(s) for this?
Heres the tutorial i used to intall emunand. https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-installing-rxtools-custom-firmware-3ds-and-2ds.390867/

I homebrewed my 3DS yesterday. cheers and applause
Your at rank 1! "Homebrew User" Next rank is "9.2 Master Race"

I homebrewed my 3DS yesterday. cheers and applause
"9.2 Master Race"

*KLAXON* New 3DS update. Reportedly kills browserhax and menuhax dead. Either wait for a fix that may never come, or take the jump.

*KLAXON* New 3DS update. Reportedly kills browserhax and menuhax dead. Either wait for a fix that may never come, or take the jump.
I took the plunge and I regret everything... but I did it for friends.... :") Guess, I wait for SMASH hax to update/menuhax/browserhax to be miraculously updated.
"Who would've thunk that a small line of code, could change something so big."
--Super_Defaultio I seriously am going to use this as my senior quote.

*KLAXON* New 3DS update. Reportedly kills browserhax and menuhax dead. Either wait for a fix that may never come, or take the jump.
I took the plunge and I regret everything... but I did it for friends.... :") Guess, I wait for SMASH hax to update/menuhax/browserhax to be miraculously updated.
"Who would've thunk that a small line of code, could change something so big."
--Super_Defaultio I seriously am going to use this as my senior quote.
*cue empty dessert*

*KLAXON* New 3DS update. Reportedly kills browserhax and menuhax dead. Either wait for a fix that may never come, or take the jump.
I took the plunge and I regret everything... but I did it for friends.... :") Guess, I wait for SMASH hax to update/menuhax/browserhax to be miraculously updated.
"Who would've thunk that a small line of code, could change something so big."
--Super_Defaultio I seriously am going to use this as my senior quote.
*cue empty dessert*
Me on the outside : waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.......... Me on the inside : *Intensely Vibrates*

Is it possible to downgrade a 10.6 3DS, or am I stuck here waiting for MemChunkHax2 to finally be stable.

Is it possible to downgrade a 10.6 3DS, or am I stuck here waiting for MemChunkHax2 to finally be stable.
You can't downgrade a 3DS with 10.6 firmware, as the exploit used in that was fixed.

Is it possible to downgrade a 10.6 3DS, or am I stuck here waiting for MemChunkHax2 to finally be stable.
You can, but it requires a hardmod, and unless you're willing to open up your 3DS and solder wires to it, you're probably not going to get a hardmod. And MemChunkHax2 was patched already, so it won't ever be stable or even work on the latest firmware. To downgrade you're going to have to wait for another kernel exploit to be found or risk a hardmod. Until then, there's still userland homebrew.

Is it possible to downgrade a 10.6 3DS, or am I stuck here waiting for MemChunkHax2 to finally be stable.
You can, but it requires a hardmod, and unless you're willing to open up your 3DS and solder wires to it, you're probably not going to get a hardmod. And MemChunkHax2 was patched already, so it won't ever be stable or even work on the latest firmware. To downgrade you're going to have to wait for another kernel exploit to be found or risk a hardmod. Until then, there's still userland homebrew.
The moment of dissapointment...
I guess I'll use my 2DS, my 3DS wasn't really too good anyway(those Nintendo people paying $100 for better hardware, how could they; well, every company does that, never mind).

The moment of disappointment... I guess I'll use my 2DS, my 3DS wasn't really too good anyway(those Nintendo people paying $100 for better hardware, how could they; well, every company does that, never mind).
Well, don't blame Nintendo for your own decision to update. Nintendo never approved of haxing when they sold you the better hardware anyway. Oh wait, you're using rationalization as your psychological defense mechanism. Never mind.

The moment of disappointment... I guess I'll use my 2DS, my 3DS wasn't really too good anyway(those Nintendo people paying $100 for better hardware, how could they; well, every company does that, never mind).
Well, don't blame Nintendo for your own decision to update. Nintendo never approved of haxing when they sold you the better hardware anyway. Oh wait, you're using rationalization as your psychological defense mechanism. Never mind.
I might as well be glad because now that I have oot3dhax, I can relax(until the next version comes along for the 3DS)

there's still userland homebrew.
Whats that? Also, OOT for 3ds is now $19.99, Now if only I could buy it... I have money I don't have a ride though....

I have money I don't have a ride though....
Just walk or bike, it couldn't hurt to see the sun once in a while

I have money I don't have a ride though....
Just walk or bike, it couldn't hurt to see the sun once in a while
Gamestop is miles away from me.

I have money I don't have a ride though....
Just walk or bike, it couldn't hurt to see the sun once in a while
Gamestop is miles away from me.
Exercise is healthy.

I have money I don't have a ride though....
Just walk or bike, it couldn't hurt to see the sun once in a while
Gamestop is miles away from me.
Exercise is healthy.
I have money I don't have a ride though....
Just walk or bike, it couldn't hurt to see the sun once in a while
Gamestop is miles away from me.