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This is an award-winning Legend of Zelda-style action adventure game made by Team PUWATTO-X and I translated it. Who's Team PUWATTO-X you ask? The father, PUSH, codes the game while his kid, Massa, throws out designs and ideas. You play as the hero, explore a cave-like dungeon, solve puzzle-like traps, fight bosses, loot around, and seek out the ultimate treasure! Simple! ...Or is it? Requires SmileBasic version 3.3.0.


All self-explanatory in game. Read the tutorials carefully. Buttons can be customized at a later time. Hint 1: Stopwatch (available after the tutorial) is your friend. Use it whenever you're stuck. Hint 2: Can you find all 7 Heart Boxes? Hint 3: Can you find the hermit (Master Bones) and his secret item? Warning: VERY hard to find! Hint 4: If you got the secret item, did you use it?


PUWATTO-X is the original creator and LohadL is the English translator Update log: 1.1.2: revised for SB 3.3.0 due to changes in how SPLINK works 1.1.1: minor visual bugfix version

Replying to:54NP41
I need help on the red rod part,he said i need a ranged weapon.I got it and went there and tried to aim at it.I was standing on the back edge and then jumped and shot it but it did nothing...How can i get there?

I've temporarily removed the key; see note in description. Also added a screenshot of Master Bones (the easter egg) to eliminate any confusion between him and the regular boss.

Replying to:LohadL
I've temporarily removed the key; see note in description. Also added a screenshot of Master Bones (the easter egg) to eliminate any confusion between him and the regular boss.
You should also mention that they not only entered the Ogiri, but won an award for this game. :D Maybe "... is an award-winning Legend of Zelda style..."

Replying to:LohadL
I've temporarily removed the key; see note in description. Also added a screenshot of Master Bones (the easter egg) to eliminate any confusion between him and the regular boss.
Heyyyyy it's 3.3.0 time! Kids, remember to make a backup copy of your Cave Island save before updating to 1.1.2.

Replying to:LohadL
I've temporarily removed the key; see note in description. Also added a screenshot of Master Bones (the easter egg) to eliminate any confusion between him and the regular boss.
I'm beyond disappointed that they released 3.3.0 instead of the supposedly coming 3.3.1.

To PUWATTO-X and LohadL, I hope you don't mind if I use/copy some of your D-pad and Button controls. I am working learning how to use the smileBASIC program and usually learn by trying to recreate others' work. If you prefer I don't mess with it, let me know.

Replying to:Atomix10
To PUWATTO-X and LohadL, I hope you don't mind if I use/copy some of your D-pad and Button controls. I am working learning how to use the smileBASIC program and usually learn by trying to recreate others' work. If you prefer I don't mess with it, let me know.
I'm not either of them but learning from/using parts of code like that (especially basic stuff) is always okay. It's different when people take the entire engine, but movement controls ARE difficult to figure out at first. Sometimes it's good to look at other people's code just because people get stuck and make a bigger mess trying to figure it out themselves. Also, it generally means less of the same basic questions appearing over and over in the forums. </opinion>


Replying to:JustGreat
Probably because it's the best-built game so far(out of ones I have tried).

I cannot get past the first dark room, how do you do it? I have the shield, the charge shot, the bomb bag, and the lantern.

Never mind

Clear time 1:22:07 Explorations 11 Your rank. A

Replying to:Atomix10
To PUWATTO-X and LohadL, I hope you don't mind if I use/copy some of your D-pad and Button controls. I am working learning how to use the smileBASIC program and usually learn by trying to recreate others' work. If you prefer I don't mess with it, let me know.
Sorry for the late reply. I don't think he'd mind, but I'd suggest at least putting a remark (comment) in your code like 'consulted PUSH's code or 'Thanks PUSH! as a courtesy if you're going to copy it whole. It's completely voluntary though, and Lumage is right. PUSH's now busy with making games requested by his son. He recently made SOLID SOLDIER (2XVV233J) using Solid Gunner's engine, and now his son wants a fighting game.

Has anyone gotten the secret
Spoilerrank SS?
you can only get it if you complete the game with explorations 1, It's pretty dang hard. but that does not stop me from trying :P

Replying to:JustGreat
You could say it's... Just Great

This game is REALLY impressive. One of the best i've seen on SmileBASIC.

LOVE this. The amount of polish is phenomenal.

I have been playing this game for a while, I'm impressed by the huge story, the graphics are alright, the gameplay is phenomenal and very polished, I don't really have any advice for how to improve it, great game. It is fairly stressful to work so hard and long on a level only to die in the last part, but hey, that's what makes games addicting! I rate 9/10.

10/10 f'sure