Nice posting some befunge code in the chat.
Befunge Interpreter
Root / Submissions / [.]
Version:1.8Size:6.28 KB
It's a befunge interpreter
Changes from original befunge:
*The code area is only 50x25 (instead of 80x25)
*division/MOD by 0 returns 0 instead of asking the user
Replying to:
I tried a "Hello World!" code and it didn't work. The interpreter uses a single stack, right? Maybe I did it wrong lol
(Edit: I'll try the newer updated version)
Yeah, I forgot to add strings to the original (lol). The updated version works though.
Here's a JS befunge interpreter I made: (&~? are not added yet)
All the old interpreters are broken I think
I actually used the same colors that I used in the PTC version (which were from the default palette 0 because I didn't understand how anything worked back then)
Replying to:
Here's a JS befunge interpreter I made: (&~? are not added yet)
All the old interpreters are broken I think
Good program friendo. Only Befunge-93 though. Would be even better if you fully supported Funge-98, but it's also a fair bit more complicated to implement. I finally managed to find a working one online though: