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Super Bearland

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Version:2.0.0Size:804 KB
Bears have evolved the ability to shapeshift into anything (or anyone) you can imagine! (Or maybe your eyesight is just really poor?) Either way, one wrong step could be your last in the randomly generated world of Super Bearland. Hunt those beasts down before they hunt you! Talk to people to get Clues about the Bear's location and disguise. Check objects to find the Tools you need to take the Bear down! But if you accidentally Talk to or Check the Bear, it's Game Over! Each round lasts 2-5 minutes, but no two games are alike with randomized levels, optional challenges, and a heaping helping of unlockables. Keep playing and experimenting to see if you can find them all!


WARNING: Contains flashing light effects and "jumpscares" upon losing. If you are sensitive to either of these, disable them in the Settings Menu. Circle Pad / D-Pad: Move L / R / Hold Touch Screen: Fast Forward "T" in the top left corner: Toggle Typewriter Animation Bear Trap: Throw at suspected Bears to eliminate them. Bearometer: Determines if a Bear is in the current Town. Super Bear Trap: Eliminates the current Town, and everything inside. Decoy: Automatically prevents one Theft attempt.


Cool Features:
  • Retro music & sound effects
  • CRT-style scan lines
  • Procedurally generated levels, with Autobalance
  • Advanced Narrator system
  • NES Font
  • Kerning (Reduces empty space between letters)
  • 6 unlockable game modes
  • Unlockable Challenge Mode (stacks with other modes)
  • Notebook (Automatically keeps track of hints)
And more!

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
If you loved that joke, definitely grab the update. It's loaded with so much new stuff, including a heaping helping of those pointless secrets.

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
It won't let me do anything

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
do any of the secrets imvolve bears eating pineapple pizza?

Is my old save file compatible with this version?

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
Just on the one town it forces me to do, on normal mode. And I'm on n3DS

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
Oh! You mean during April 1st. Bet it's getting stuck on the Autobalance algorithm, trying to make the impossible April Fool's map winnable. I'll fix that in the future but it shouldn't freeze like that on any other day of the year.

Replying to:Guzzler
Is my old save file compatible with this version?
Absolutely! Save files are meant to be future-proof. And possibly even backwards compatible, if for some reason you went back to an older version of Super Bearland.

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
Ok. Btw it hasn't frozen today so you only have to worry about the april fools problem.

Replying to:rando
Wow I love the april fools joke in this
Yeah I'll fix that before next April. I added an algorithm to ensure that each game is solvable... but I hadn't considered that it enters an endless loop if you force it to generate an unwinnable map.

Replying to:Guzzler
Is my old save file compatible with this version?

i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
I'm pretty sure that's how Christopher Columbus died... Happy hunting!

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
Also, a small complaint--It seems that notes on what the beasts aren't disguised as aren't kept in oz mode. Maybe try adding a miscellaneous notes page along with the lion, tiger, and bear notes?

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
Yeah I've gone back and forth on whether or not to add that page to the notenook. I'm leaning towards "Yes".

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
Alright, cool. And while you're at it, you can also kill the black market. Not sure if that is intentional, but it seems to refer to the black market as "He", which seems a bit grammatically incorrect. Maybe make the black market owner drop items upon death, but at the cost of being unable to trade anymore?

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
It's intentional that you can Trap the Black Market, and for balance reasons you aren't rewarded for doing so. (Due to the prices, it makes hardly anyone use the Market for actual trading.) The gender should be the same as the Person running the Market, but I'll check that out.

Replying to:wilrnilr
i got east and west mixed up for a sec, and...well. i got jumped by a bear. fun game so far!
I probably really wasn't that clear about the grammar problem there lol It kinda implies that you killed the market, not really the owner, which makes the whole "He stops moving" dialogue a bit weird.

I just found out about this amazing site after buying this software from the eShop about 4 years after I saw it. So far I have gotten all of your projects and would love to see more of them. Your projects are amazing! Edit: I don't know if you're still working on this or not but there is also a bug in menu screen when selecting wumpus mode. when the minimum amount of towns is 16, you are able to press the back button even though the town count doesn't change

Replying to:tcmine64
I just found out about this amazing site after buying this software from the eShop about 4 years after I saw it. So far I have gotten all of your projects and would love to see more of them. Your projects are amazing! Edit: I don't know if you're still working on this or not but there is also a bug in menu screen when selecting wumpus mode. when the minimum amount of towns is 16, you are able to press the back button even though the town count doesn't change
Thanks! (That's actually intended behavior, but I agree it's poorly communicating what's going on.)

Ooh, this reminds me of those old-school adventure games! Really interesting!