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Sub Folders

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I feel silly asking, as I haven't been able to figure this out, but is it possible to create a subfolder in a project? I need more organization, and this seems like something that should be doable in any filesystem. What am I missing?

I think they unfortunately don't exist.

Someone should try adding subfolders manually (by hacking) to see if smilebasic will recognize them.

Someone should try adding subfolders manually (by hacking) to see if smilebasic will recognize them.
Yeees, tri do this! Sub folders organize everything

Well, I added this on Kobayashi's miiverse page for SmileBASIC feature requests. Who knows what we'll get, that request page is getting long!

The fact that they didn't include subfolders baffles me. I know the file system is weird internally, but c'mon. Any halfway competent game designer knows that a folder simply named data is a lifesaver. Also, it'd make organizing your downloaded games much easier for the average user

The 3ds home menu doesn't have subfolders either. I think the reason is to create a filesystem that's not too complex for the end user to wrap their head around. This is also why binary files are hidden by default: it's to create a cleaner, less noisy appearance and to encourage minimalism over sprawling file systems. They want to avoid stuff like this: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/polandball/images/c/cd/Hell-Gaulic_family_tree.png/revision/latest?cb=20151019150850

Hmmm, maybe I need to rethink the way I organize my project then. My save data is currently writing from prg1 to a file, as the persistent data needed to represent the application state is always updated into the prg1 slot. Which means save data is in the form of an executable file (didn't consider this initially). Every time a user makes a new save it creates a new file, and I need a way to avoid polluting my project directory with tons of files.

Hmmm, maybe I need to rethink the way I organize my project then. My save data is currently writing from prg1 to a file, as the persistent data needed to represent the application state is always updated into the prg1 slot. Which means save data is in the form of an executable file (didn't consider this initially). Every time a user makes a new save it creates a new file, and I need a way to avoid polluting my project directory with tons of files.
Maybe I'm missing the point, but couldn't you just overwrite the old save?

Sorry, I didn't give you any of the context. I'm finishing up my MML Tracker, so the user can make any number of songs and save them. So there could potentially be a lot of different saves. I was hoping to have a folder to stuff save files in to help keep things clean and easy to navigate.

The 3DS home menu doesn't have subfolders because they aren't needed. Unlike in smilebasic, each game is only one item, there are no extra data files, subprograms, etc. to deal with. The current smilebasic folder system is like this: Project -files This would be much better: Group -Project --Section ---files so you could group projects together, and have more organization within projects, too. It also would prevent excessive folder nesting. Example:
Spoiler UNFINISHED - -- ---AEAAG3 -SPACE -- ---GAME ---DAT:SAVE PUBLISHED - -- ---AEAAG2 -AI -- ---CB06 ---ASK ---RESP -COMPLICATEDGAME --GAME ---AWESOMEGAME --DATA ---DAT:SAVE ---LIBRARY ---GRP:SPRITES GAMES -GIVERS P3D -- ---GAME --P3D ---P3D_ENGINE ---DAT:DATA ---(etc.) - -- ---FLAPPYBIRD =group -=project --=section ---=file - and -- are invisible default folders
is that too confusing? here's a picture https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcsgdjda8ercesg/example.bmp?dl=0 red=group orange=project yellow=section green=file notice how this is not a normal folder system where folders and files can go anywhere. Like SB, files MUST be in a folder (section), which must be in a project inside a group.