
Spring Programming Contest 2017

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Can someone update the key on the main poll for Thrust to N3NE53Q3? The key got rejected again... Also, any ides to prevent this from happening?

Can someone update the key on the main poll for Thrust to N3NE53Q3? The key got rejected again... Also, any ides to prevent this from happening?
Change the name from "Thrust". It might be getting flagged because it's ever so slightly related to... that.

Woot! Participation badges rolling out.

Can someone update the key on the main poll for Thrust to N3NE53Q3? The key got rejected again... Also, any ides to prevent this from happening?
Why does the key keep getting rejected? It doesn't seem to violate SB's uploading rules. If you want, I'll post the source code and other files for people to download. I'll upload the compressed (using LZSS) and decompressed versions of the files. The .PZG files will be decompressed as .PNG files, so if someone wants to transfer it using SBFM, they'll need to convert those into GRP files somehow (I don't know a lot about SBFM). For PetitModem, just transfer the compressed files then decompress them on SmileBASIC.

I vote that someone should email SmileBoom and say "hey this isnt a violation of the rules" because it's really dumb that it's being removed five times per day

I vote that someone should email SmileBoom and say "hey this isnt a violation of the rules" because it's really dumb that it's being removed five times per day
I did that yesterday... no reply yet.

I vote that someone should email SmileBoom and say "hey this isnt a violation of the rules" because it's really dumb that it's being removed five times per day
I did that yesterday... no reply yet.
It takes them weeks, sometimes months to reply, sometimes they never do. Nathaniel you should relay the key, have another 3DS upload it for you, I have plenty of avaliable upload spaces on my second 3DS if you want to try that. Otherwise, I'll bet it's because of your logo in the beginning of the game, which probably fails one of the server's filter tests, it might help to change the background color on your logo's graphics page possibly to a dark tint of another color.

Another idea is to load your graphics pages into DAT files, then when the game starts up, attempt to quickly convert them back into graphics, like using GSAVE and GLOAD.

Just encrypt the entire thing

Otherwise, I'll bet it's because of your logo in the beginning of the game, which probably fails one of the server's filter tests, it might help to change the background color on your logo's graphics page possibly to a dark tint of another color.
What do you mean by this?

What do you mean by this?
http://smilebasic.com/en/e-manual/manual13/ It says the program has to be verified to not contain personal information or copyright infringement It also says to please do not contact SmileBoom for more details on why it was rejected I'm assuming whatever code checks the graphics pages can be easily bypassed by changing slight details such as background color

Anyone is free to do what they want to the files to prevent them from getting taken down. I'm pretty busy this week working on my new game, so I don't have much time to work on it.

What do you mean by this?
http://smilebasic.com/en/e-manual/manual13/ It says the program has to be verified to not contain personal information or copyright infringement It also says to please do not contact SmileBoom for more details on why it was rejected I'm assuming whatever code checks the graphics pages can be easily bypassed by changing slight details such as background color
But what is wrong with the GRP file? And I'm pretty sure SB doesn't have any automated checks.

It's probably just some copyright troll who gets off on reports. I'm convinced SmileBoom doesn't even check reports and it might even be some key killling robot. Your program clearly doesn't violate ANY rules, so I'm convinced this has to be the case.

It's probably just some copyright troll who gets off on reports. I'm convinced SmileBoom doesn't even check reports and it might even be some key killling robot. Your program clearly doesn't violate ANY rules, so I'm convinced this has to be the case.
I still think it's the name.

It's probably just some copyright troll who gets off on reports. I'm convinced SmileBoom doesn't even check reports and it might even be some key killling robot. Your program clearly doesn't violate ANY rules, so I'm convinced this has to be the case.
I still think it's the name.
I think it is too, maybe you could block one of the letters? Like "THR_ST" but then put the space ship in front of the letter U or something. (And change the file name) Or just rename the game to something else, or even just put a number in there like "THRUS1", or maybe multiple letters like "THRRUST". (It might not look as good, but at least people will be able to play it)

If I were to encrypt the files, how should I share the encryption code? Should I comment it out with "'", or should I post it on the page itself?

If I were to encrypt the files, how should I share the encryption code? Should I comment it out with "'", or should I post it on the page itself?
Geez, this is quite a mess huh?

If I were to encrypt the files, how should I share the encryption code? Should I comment it out with "'", or should I post it on the page itself?
Share it on the page. They can see the contents of every file you upload. If you share it on the site, they are less likely to see it.

Thank you everyone who voted! The winner is Nathaniel's game Thrust, while in second place we have GoodGameGod's FLIGHT-less. Congratulations, and thank you for your entries! [poll=p163][/poll]