Rubik's cube solving timer
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For speedcubers
What about using
IF BUTTON()==18 THEN BLAHto test if your fingers are down? That means you'd have to press Down+A, so two hands are encouraged.
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You should implement 2-button timer starting... Like press Up+A with both hands, to ready the timer, when you release the timer starts. Does this work on a 2x2? What do you mean by a +2 penalty?
Yes, it works on a 2x2. However, I don't think it will work for anything more than a 3x3x3, though I'll add support for some other cubes in the next update
If you stop the timer when you are one move away from solving, you are supposed to add 2 seconds to your time.
I want to allow it to detect all possible combinations of dpad and ABXY.
IF (BUTTON() AND (1 OR 2 OR 4 OR 8)) && (BUTTON() AND (#A OR #B OR #X OR #Y) should work, and simplifies to:
EDIT! It works!
I will include this in the next update
Until then, just replace the RETURN... in DEF TCHST() with
(BUTTON()AND 15)&&(BUTTON()AND 240)I just hope pressing A and B doesn't interfere with the save dialog
Replying to:
You should implement 2-button timer starting... Like press Up+A with both hands, to ready the timer, when you release the timer starts. Does this work on a 2x2? What do you mean by a +2 penalty?
Does anyone have any preference for which algorithm type I use for scrambling 4x4 and up?
I think the lowercase letters (udlrfb) one would be easier, though IDK how it would work for 6x6 and up
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What happened to this? I needed to redownload it since I got my new SD card.... sniff.
I'll reupload it when they fix gold membership