
Photoshop + Original Art Thread

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not sure if I agree with that, actually. (not really satisfied with this one:)
explanationhttp://randomouscrap.deviantart.com/art/Christmas-in-July-692528603 http://kland.smilebasicsource.com/i/nasvc.JPG

i couldn't figure out how to reduce the colordepth/palette map a layer in gimp

I made this painting with my girlfriend... I made the sea landscape and the sky background and she made the creature (Nessie/Loch ness monster) in the water. I wanted to see if anyone liked it but I didn't want to create a new thread. We worked on this last night. I wanted to post more of our drawings in the future but I don't know if people would like them. Let me know what you think and if I should start posting more of our paintings in the future. :)
I like your painting. Keep up the nice work. In order to contribute here is a picture I made. Pen and ink on paper then colored on my phone.

Maybe we should create a separate thread for real art

Maybe we should create a separate thread for real art
I'm for this.

Maybe we should create a separate thread for real art

alternate version

Remember Finder? This is him now. Feel old yet?

0/10 not even red
This might just be me, but I see some red on there.
What? Doesn't seem likely....

This counts as photoshop

Maybe we should create a separate thread for real art
But this thread is real art

I may make an art based on the strange emotion I had after seeing I had 251 notifications...

A drawing I made, which I call "Shocked and Confuzzled Ralsei"
Confuzzled definitionTo be confuzzled is to be confused and puzzled at the same time.
edit:What why does this post keep on editing when I try to post new things?

Y o u s p e l l e d ā€œ d e f i n i t e l y ā€ w r o n g . jk Iā€™m not actually a grammar nazi

That's an unedited screenshot from my game and I'm suing you

That's an unedited screenshot from my game and I'm suing you
Actually, smilebasic says when you upload a program that others can use it in any way they want.