
otya window system

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This is a window system for SmileBASIC. "--RUN" is a program loader, run this file.
  • Stacking window manager
  • Multitasking
  • A hierarchical file system


A function key 1(FILES) toggles key input. "LR" button is disabled while key input is enabled. L,BBUTTON: left click R,ABUTTON: right click TOUCH, STICK : mouse program list
  • Text editor(TXTED)
  • Filer(OTYFIL)
  • Program editor(PRGED)
  • Music player(MPLAY)
  • Document editor(OTYDOC)
  • Run(RUN)
  • Paint(PAINT)
  • Eyes(EYES)
  • Minesweeper(OTYMINE)
  • Clipboard viewer(CLPBRD)
  • Benchmark(OTWBENCH)
  • About(ABOUT)
  • Window viewer(WINLIST)
  • Terminal(OTWTERM)
  • Shell(SH)
  • cd(shell command)
  • echo
  • ls
  • cat
  • ptree
  • find
  • ps
  • diff
  • freemem
  • mkdir
  • mount
  • rm
  • ren
  • act
  • ofsgc
  • loadmod
  • lsmod
  • symlink


OTYAX API document : https://otya128.github.io/OTYAX5/ Japanese, English (by ateesdalejr and PatheticFish) OTW API document : http://otya128.github.io/OTYAX5/jp/OTW/API(Japanese) EXAMPLE
  PrintConsoleln "window system is required."
  ExitProcess 1
 'WND:window handle
 'E:error (0: success)
  'OTWEXAMPLECTL is uninitialized
  '            control name control handle
  ExtendControl "OTWEXAPMLE",GetWindowControl() OUT OTWEXAMPLECTL,E
   ExitProcess 1
  ExitProcess 1
 SetProcessVar WND
 'process window events
 IF UpdateWindow(GetProcessVar())THEN
  ExitProcess 0

awesome! its like a sequel to alpha os, also i didnt know people still used this website XD

The program's bugs sometimes have weird errors. Most of the crashes are from program 4, and when I list the error, it says Out of range.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
The program's bugs sometimes have weird errors. Most of the crashes are from program 4, and when I list the error, it says Out of range.
PRG4? You ran the program via the smile tool? PRG4 is the program slot where the smile tool is executed. Since you ran it in PRG4 (using the smile button) it tells it. LIST ERR, LIST 4:1 and others will error out since the user cannot access PRG4 on his own.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
The program's bugs sometimes have weird errors. Most of the crashes are from program 4, and when I list the error, it says Out of range.
Program 4 doesnt exist, also explain the bugs

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
The program's bugs sometimes have weird errors. Most of the crashes are from program 4, and when I list the error, it says Out of range.
CyberYoshi64 literally just said what PRG4 was (SmileTool button) and explained the bugs.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
The program's bugs sometimes have weird errors. Most of the crashes are from program 4, and when I list the error, it says Out of range.
@Ertas PRG4 exists (hence errors coming from 4:Line) but it's inaccessible for the user unless he/she presses the smile button which loads the Smile tool which runs in this extra slot 4.
SpoilerPRG4 serves a purpose to keep all your programs in slots 0-3 intact. If the slot wouldn't exist, the smile tool would overwrite the slots for the desired tools programmed in it. OTYA's system is very clever & did it like SmileBoom but better
what?It crushes all needed sub-programs and tools into one huge program to load it in PRG4.
and keeps these intact so you can use the tool, close the tool and continue running the programs in the slots afterwards.

I tried to save a file in a project folder and it crashed with the error: Illegal function call in 4:1648(SAVE). I did use the smiletool thing to save in the folder.

Replying to:SwanBot
i have a super old version of this from like the first time it was released so im excited to see what has been added
I think I also have a Super Old version. It says 5.0 rev48 and the VERSION file says &H50000016 and the project folder OTYAX-ALPHA1 EDIT: Never mind

How do you make a OTYAX Program?

Replying to:RGamesOffical
How do you make a OTYAX Program?
A list of program instructions can be found at (https://otya128.github.io/OTYAX5/en/). After you finish your program, put it at the end of the OTW file and save it. Then run BUILDSMILETOOL to create OTWSMILE and save SMILETOOL as your Smile Tool. Then run SMILETOOL through the Smile Tool button and press the B button in order to launch OTYAX. This allows you to run custom programs. If you don’t want to set it as your Smile Tool though, then just run BUILDSMILETOOL (in order to create OTYSMILE) and run OTYSMILE every time you want to use custom programs (just make sure to type CLEAR in direct mode first so that it has enough memory to run, this goes for both scenarios, by the way).

Replying to:SwanBot
i have a super old version of this from like the first time it was released so im excited to see what has been added
@spaceturtles It has the same name, it’s just an older version. It can be found on otya128’s GitHub page. It’s for Petit Computer, though.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I tried to save a file in a project folder and it crashed with the error: Illegal function call in 4:1648(SAVE). I did use the smiletool thing to save in the folder.
I don’t think OTYAX’s file system supports saving outside of its own project folder, which is probably why you’re getting that error. My theory is that the way OTYAX’s file system works is that it creates a unique identifier for every file made with it depending on the folder it’s in (every folder also has its own identifier), and it’s all based around its own project. When it tries saving a file with its system in a different project, it gets confused and doesn’t know what to save, which is why SmileBASIC gets confused on what to save. Of course, that’s just my theory, I don’t know how it really works. If you’re saving a file that isn’t part of its system though (such an existing program/text file in another project), that’s a different story. Try reinstalling the OTYAX project if that’s the case.

Replying to:SwanBot
i have a super old version of this from like the first time it was released so im excited to see what has been added
Name of github page?

Replying to:SwanBot
i have a super old version of this from like the first time it was released so im excited to see what has been added

Cool. Minesweeper on this is addicting.

Replying to:SmileForTheKiddies
I tried to save a file in a project folder and it crashed with the error: Illegal function call in 4:1648(SAVE). I did use the smiletool thing to save in the folder.

how can you change the background help!!! i want it to be gray

and how do you add games

Replying to:LinkCraft02
how can you change the background help!!! i want it to be gray
There’s a line you can change in the code to change the background, but I forgot what it was. I changed my background green.

Anyone want to help me port this to SB4?