welcome! i finally made this thing after being told to a million times.. by everyone helping/following this.
im going to try to list all the current things added.
-Shooting bullets that can be changed in many ways to fit the needs or effects (done by pressing A)-
(normal bullets)
(colored bullets)
(testing lightning bullets)
(and a ton more stuff)
-Shooting backwards by pressing B-
-A red aimer currently activated by pressing L-
-(not added, added in next update) light turned on by pressing R-
-Pause menu, opened by pressing X-
currently Jacob is working on improving and updating this, so soon it will be a lot cooler or better idk.
-Map with collision, and useful stuff-
tons of stuff here that i made, so theres collision that stops the player.
there is bullet collision that clears the bullets when hitting walls.
there is item collision that can clear user defined bg tiles at its location.
there is doors opened by pressing A
-A tank that could be useful later-
-An enemy-
well right now he just follows you around until he dies or he kills you..
i have planned spawning enemys and have started working on this but it will take a while before this is fully up and running..
but there are possibly drones as enemys planned, but this really depends.
it was an idea i or someone has posted and just though defense drones were a great idea ever since.
but yeah im partly basing my code for the enemys off of Autz enemys and he helped me a lot with starting it so credit does go to him for helping me with that.
so now i just wanna mention all the people helping as a group making this.. um if your helping or helped tell me and ill put you here. (they are in no specific order)
Stewart/seggiepants (if im correct) - he greatly helped in starting development for making the bullet code, although we asked like a million question on how it worked he still stood by and answered it all.
Jacob/Proku: he is one of the main programmers in this game!!! he has helped a ton with this and this game wouldnt exist without him (because a guy in YT asked about making a game and he saw it and asked me to help), theres so much more i could say about him but alas i must say... *insert meme here*
Jack.ase: he is our main and only (known) sprite maker.. he is awesome and amazing at what he does and makes and we would still be using this sprite:
(well we probably would have changed it by now but lol)
anyways but yeah he has been great in making this and we wouldn't be far without him.
Elijah: while he was only here shortly (idk why), he was the one who first started the games idea and made us start making it. he mainly gave some ideas which we completely ignored but again this wouldnt have started without him lol..
Warrior: not much to say yet because he just started helping but i cant wait to see what comes of him, he has just recently joined as a 3rd programmer.
Ethan SF: he is making out title screen and some other stuff, he is a old and great friend too. idk where he is not cause i havent seen him in a while but uh ill contact him soon.
anyways he is making a super cool title screen here ill get a picture:
(old picture)
now im just gonna crush the game testers into one big thing cause you all have the same thing.
Random guy/ DragonOte♪/Matthew/Mr.Awesome/Christofer/whoeveralsohelped (sorry if i forgot you)
anyways but thats all of you guys for helping and testing stuff or whatever.
i know random guy and matthew helped a lot with this and had some great ideas.
and mostly everyone gave ideas too, so thank you everyone!!
now to newest stuff.
so ill put roles and stuff.
Jack.ase: main sprite maker/editor
J.P./Jacob/Warrior: main programmers
EthanSF: like tile maker or something
Random guy/ DragonOte♪/Matthew/Mr.Awesome/Christofer/whoeveralsohelped:main testers.
if theres anything you would like to help on please do tell me!!! ANY HELP IS WELCOME.
ok so onto current development stuff.
(death screen)

Warrior,working on like a bunch of stuff i thinkNEXT CODER
Most likely Jacobnow we have a lot planned for the future so here is some stuff that need to be done __NUMBER AFTER SHOWS HOW LIKELY IT IS TO BE ADDED SOON -1 BEING NOW LIKELY AND 10 BEING LIKELY-__ -FINISHED BOTTOM SCREEN- 4 -FINISHED ENEMY STUFF- 5 -WORKING LIGHT TILES- 9 -LIMITED AMMO CODE- 7 -INVENTORY- 4 -MINIMAP ON BOTTOM SCREEN- 8 -STARTED STORY SCENES (or at least some test ones)- 9 -GIANT SPACESHIP SPRITE- 6 -BETTER/ACTUAL GAME MAP- 10 -POSSIBLE HIDDEN ITEMS ON THE MAP- 9 -NIGHT MODE- 9 -BETTER/FIXED DAY/NIGHT CYCLE- 10 -IMPROVED DOORS THAT DONT CLOSE WHILE YOU ARE IN THEM AND STAY OPEN FOR LIKE 2-3 SECONDS- 9 -MORE ADDED SOON, IF YOU HAVE STUFF TO ADD PLEASE TELL ME AS THERE IS LOTS I PROBABLY FORGOT- and now its time for some polls. [poll=p202][/poll] BDD4VEAE -CURRENT (known) KEY- UPDATE TIME!!!! RECENT UPDATES HAVE SHOWN THAT THIS GAME IS GETTING BETTER. THIS MEANS ONLY ONE THING. WE. NEED. ... CAKE FOR CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JKJK ANYWAYS ENOUGH JOKING AND ENOUGH CAPS LOCK. so ive been thinking and i did forget to mention something i had though of a long time ago.. there are two things though, so i know that many of us have our own game making logo so if any of us do, then yeah send it over so it can be in the title when you boot the game