Might make SBS readonly: thread

Minecraft Banner Designer

Root / Submissions / [.]

Version:4.1Size:136.6 KB
Design Minecraft banners.



Choose layer: Touch or left/right Choose pattern: Touch Choose Color: Touch Swao/delete layers: Touch Undo: L Redo: R Save: X Load: Y


Version 4.1 changes: -Updated color palette Version 4 changes: -Improved button graphics -Saving/loading now uses the .DAT file extension -Probably some other things I forgot Version 3 changes: -added redo -added save/load -improved sprite/definition allocation code -reduced number of layers to 6 -replaced shift layer left/right buttons with swap buttons that do the same thing but use fewer sprites. -properly added overlay layer to banner preview.

Huh, this is cool.

Add a get recipe feature?

Replying to:chicken
Add a get recipe feature?

Replying to:chicken
Add a get recipe feature?
I hope that's a real soon and not a video game developer soon hehe.

Replying to:chicken
Add a get recipe feature?
'a 12Me21 soon'

(I'm still working on this) I added a redo button, and saving and loading. I got tired of manually allocating sprites and definitions (0-50 = banner patterns, 100-104 = menu buttons, etc.) so I made functions to automatically do it. I want to clean up the code before adding big new features.

Replying to:chicken
Add a get recipe feature?
it is a game developer soon as seen

Replying to:chicken
Add a get recipe feature?
0.5 soon