Might make SBS readonly: thread

List of Functions

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functions with one OUT variable can be written with parentheses: ABS number# OUT absolute_value# absolute_value# = ABS( number# ) suffixes: % - integer # - double $ - string [] - array ? - optional OUT variables are always optional if there are more than 1: BGOFS 0 OUT X, optional parts are written inside [ ] brackets ABS number# OUT absolute_value# ACCEL OUT accel_x# , accel_y# , accel_z# ACLS [ skip_grp% , skip_spdef% , skip_font% ] ACOS cosine# OUT angle# ARYOP operation%, output[] , input1, input2 [ , input3 ] ASC character$ OUT code% ASIN sine# OUT angle# ATAN tangent# OUT angle# ATAN y# , x# OUT angle# ATTR text_rotation% BACKCOLOR color% BACKCOLOR OUT color% BACKTRACE BEEP [ sound%? [ , frequency%? [ , volume%? [ , position%? ] ] ] ] BGANIM layer% , animation_type , animation_data[] [ , loops% ] BGANIM layer% , animation_type , animation_data_label$ [ , loops% ] BGANIM layer% , animation_type , animation_time_1 , animation_data_1 [ , animation_data_y_1 ] [ , ... ] [ , loops% ] BGCHK layer% OUT animation_status% BGCLIP layer% [ , start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% ] BGCLR [ layer% ] BGCOLOR layer% , color% BGCOLOR layer% OUT color% BGCOORD layer% , x% , y% [ , mode% ] OUT x% , y% BGCOPY layer% , start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% , destination_x% , destination_y% BGFILL layer% , start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% , tile% BGFUNC layer% , function$ BGGET layer% , x% , y% [ , coordinate_system% ] OUT tile% BGHIDE layer% BGHOME layer% , x# , y# BGHOME layer% OUT x# , y# BGLOAD layer% [ , start_x% , start_y% , width% , height% ] , tiles%[] [ , tile_number_offset% ] BGMCHK [ channel% ] OUT playing% BGMCLEAR [ song% ] BGMCONT [ channel% [ , fade_in_time# ] ] BGMPAUSE [ channel% [ , fade_out_time# ] ] BGMPAUSE [ channel% ] OUT paused% BGMPLAY song% BGMPLAY channel% , song% [ , volume% ] BGMPLAY mml$ BGMPRG instrument% , attack% , decay% , sustain% , release% , samples$ [ , pitch% ] BGMPRGA instrument% , attack% , decay% , sustain% , release% , samples%[] [ , pitch% [ , start% [ , end% ] ] ] BGMSET song% , mml$ BGMSETD song% , label$ BGMSTOP [ channel% [ , fade_out_time% ] ] BGMVAR channel% , variable% , value% BGMVAR channel% , variable OUT value% BGMVOL [ channel% , ] volume% BGOFS layer% , x%? , y%? [ , x% ] BGOFS layer% OUT x% , y% [ , z% ] BGPAGE page% BGPAGE OUT page% BGPUT layer% , x% , y% , tile% BGROT layer% , angle% BGROT layer% OUT angle% BGSAVE layer% [ , x% , y% , width% , height% ] , array%[] BGSCALE layer% , x% , y% BGSCALE layer% OUT x% , y% BGSCREEN layer% , width% , height% [ , tile_size% ] BGSHOW layer% BGSTART [ layer% ] BGSTOP [ layer% ] BGVAR layer% , variable% , value# BGVAR layer% , variable% OUT value# BIN$ number% [ , digits% ] OUT binary$ BIQUAD output#[] , input#[] , filter#[] BREPEAT button% , repeat_start% , repeat_speed% BQPARAM filter#[] , filter_type% , sample_rate% , cutoff_frequency , q , bandwidth [ , amplification ] BUTTON type% [ , system% ] OUT buttons% CEIL number# OUT ceiling# CHKCALL function$ OUT exists% CHKCHR x% , y% OUT code% CHKFILE file_name$ OUT exists% CHKLABEL label$ [ , search_global% ] OUT exists% CHKMML mml$ OUT error_pos% CHKVAR variable$ OUT exists% CHR$ code% OUT character$ CLASSIFY number# OUT type% 'checks for inf/nan, not anything useful! CLIPBOARD string$ CLIPBOARD OUT string$ CLS COLOR text%? [ , background%? ] CONTROLLER ? COPY dest_array[] [ , dest_start% ] , source_array[] [ [ , source_start% ] , source_length% ] COPY dest_str$ [ , dest_start% ] , source_str$ [ [ , source_start% ] , source_length% ] COPY dest_array[] [ , dest_start% ] , source_label$ [ , source_length% ] COS angle# OUT cosine# COSH angle# OUT hyperbolic_cosine# DEG radians# OUT degrees# DELETE file_name$ DIALOG text$ [ , [ button_type% ] [ , title$ [ , [ timeout% ] ] ] ] [ OUT result% ] DIALOG initial$, title$ [ , max_length% ] OUT text$ DISPLAY screen% DISPLAY OUT screen% DLCOPEN name_1$ [ , ... ] DTREAD [ date$ ] OUT year , month , day [ , week_day ] EFCOFF EFCON EFCSET type% EFCSET initial_reflection# , reverb_delay# , reverb_decay# , reverb_filter_1# , reverb_filter_2# , initial_reflection_gain# , reverb_gain# EFCWET beep% , bgm% , talk% EXP exponent# OUT e# FADE color% , time% FADE OUT color% FADECHK OUT fading% FFT output_real#[] , output_imaginary#[] , input_real#[] , input_imaginary#[] [ , window#[] ] FFTWFN window#[] , type% FILL array[] , value [ , start% [ , length% ] ] FILES [ file_type$ ] FILES [ file_type$ , ] array$[] FLOOR number# OUT floor# FONTDEF [ code% , character_data ] FORMAT$ format_string$ [ , value_1 [ , ... ] ] OUT string$ GBOX start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% [ , color% ] GCIRCLE center_x% , center_y% , radius% [ , color% ] GCIRCLE center_x% , center_y% , radius% , start_angle% , end_angle% [ , sector_flag% [ , color% ] ] GCLIP mode% [ , start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% ] GCLS [ color% ] GCOLOR color% GCOLOR OUT color% GCOPY [ source_page% , ] start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% , dest_x% , dest_y% , copy_transparent_flag% GFILL start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% [ , color% ] GLINE start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% [ , color% ] GLOAD [ x% , y% , width% , height% , ] image_data%[] , color_format_flag% , copy_transparent_flag% GLOAD [ x% , y% , width% , height% , ] image_data%[] , palette%[] , copy_transparent_flag% GOFS x% , y% GOFS OUT x% , y% GPAGE display_page% , edit_page% GPAGE OUT display_page% , edit_page% GPAINT x% , y% [ , color% [ , wall_color% ] ] GPRIO z% GPSET x% , y% [ , color% ] GPUTCHR x% , y% , string$ [ , scale_x% , scale_y% ] [ , color% ] GPUTCHR x% , y% , code% [ , scale_x% , scale_y% ] [ , color% ] GSAVE [ source_page% , ] [ x% , y% , width% , height% , ] destination%[] , color_format_flag% GSPOIT x% , y% OUT color% GTRI x_1% , y_1% , x_2% , y_2% , x_3% , y_3% [ , color% ] GYROA OUT pitch_angle# , roll_angle# , yaw_angle# GYROV OUT pitch_velocity# , roll_velocity# , yaw_velocity# GYROSYNC HEX$ number% [ , digits% ] OUT hexadecimal$ IFFT output_real#[] , output_imaginary#[] , input_real#[] , input_imaginary#[] INKEY$ OUT character$ INSTR [ start% , ] string$ , search$ OUT position% KEY key% , text$ KEY key% OUT text$ LEFT$ string$ , length% OUT string$ LEN variable OUT length% LOAD text_file_name$ [ , dialog_flag% ] LOAD grp_file_name$ [ , x% , y% ] [ , dialog_flag% ] LOAD text_file_name$ [ , dialog_flag% ] OUT string$ LOAD dat_file_name$ , number_array[] [ , dialog_flag% ] LOCATE x%? , y%? [ , z% ] LOG number# [ , base# ] OUT logarithm# MAX number_1 , number_2 [ , ... ] OUT maximum MAX array[] OUT maximum MICDATA position% OUT sample% MICSAVE [ [ start% , ] length% , ] array%[] MICSTART sample_rate% , sample_size% , seconds# MICSTOP MID$ string$ , start% , length% OUT string$ MIN number_1 , number_2 [ , ... ] OUT minimum MIN array[] OUT minimum MPEND MPGET system% , variable% OUT value% MPNAME$ system% OUT name$ MPRECV OUT system% , string$ MPSEND string$ MPSET variable% , value% MPSTART max_users% , password$ MPSTAT system% OUT connected% PCMCONT PCMSTOP PCMSTREAM samples%[] [ , samples_2%[] ] [ , sample_rate% ] PCMSTREAM sample_rate% PCMVOL [ pcm_channel% , ] volume% POW number# , exponent# OUT power# POP array[] OUT last_element PRGDEL [ lines% ] PRGEDIT slot% [ , line_number% ] PRGGET$ OUT line$ PRGINS line$ [ , after_flag% ] PRGNAME$ [ slot% ] OUT name$ PRGSET line$ PRGSIZE [ slot% [ , mode% ] ] OUT size% PROJECT name$ PROJECT OUT name$ PUSH array[] , last_element RAD degrees# OUT radians# RANDOMIZE rng_channel% [ , seed% ] RENAME file_name$ , new_name$ RGB [ alpha% , ] red% , green% , blue% OUT color% RGBREAD color% OUT [ alpha% , ] red% , green% , blue% RIGHT$ string$ , length% OUT string$ RINGCOPY dest[] , dest_start% , source[] [ [ , source_start ] , source_length ] RINGCOPY dest[] , dest_start% , source[] [ [ , source_start ] , source_length ] OUT data_end% RND [ rng_channel% , ] range% OUT random% RNDF [ rng_channel% ] OUT random# ROUND number# OUT rounded# RSORT [ start% , length% , ] array_1[] [ , ... ] SAVE file_name$ SAVE text_file_name$ , text$ SAVE dat_file_name$ , number_array[] SCROLL left% , up% SGN number# OUT sign% SHIFT array[] OUT first_element SIN angle# OUT sine# SINH angle# OUT hyperbolic_sine# SNDSTOP SORT [ start% , length% , ] array_1[] [ , ... ] SPANIM id% , animation_type , animation_data[] [ , loops% ] SPANIM id% , animation_type , animation_data_label$ [ , loops% ] SPANIM id% , animation_type , animation_time_1 , animation_data_1 [ , animation_y_1 ] [ , ... ] [ , loops% ] SPCHK id% OUT animation_status% SPCHR id% , definition% SPCHR id% , grp_x%? , grp_y%? [ , width%? [ , height%? [ , attribute%? ] ] ] ] SPCHR id% OUT definition% SPCHR id% OUT grp_x% , grp_y% [ , width% [ , height% [ , attribute% ] ] ] ] SPCLIP [ start_x% , start_y% , end_x% , end_y% ] SPCLR [ id% ] SPCOL id% [ , x% , y% , width% , height% ] [ , scale_flag%? [ , mask% ] ] SPCOL id% OUT scale_flag% [ , mask% ] SPCOL id% OUT x% , y% , width% , height% [ , scale_flag% [ , mask% ] ] SPCOLOR id% , color% SPCOLOR id% OUT color% SPCOLVEC id% [ , x_movement# , y_movement# ] SPDEF SPDEF definition% , grp_x% , grp_y% [ , width% , height% [ , origin_x% , origin_y% ] ] [ , attribute ] SPDEF array%[] [ , definition_start% [ , x_offset% , y_offset% ] ] SPDEF label$ [ , definition_start% [ , x_offset% , y_offset% ] ] SPDEF definition% OUT grp_x% , grp_y% [ , width% , height% [ , origin_x% , origin_y% ] ] [ , attribute ] SPDEF dest_definition% , source_definition% , grp_x%? , grp_y%? , width%? , height%? , origin_x%? , origin_y%? , attribute%? SPFUNC id% , function$ SPHIDE id% SPHITINFO OUT time# [ , x1# , y1# [ , vx1# , vy1# ] , x2# , y2# [ , vx2# , vy2# ] ] SPHITRC [ [ id% [ , high_id% ] , ] x# , y# , width# , height# [ , mask%? , vx# , vy# ] ] OUT collision% SPHITSP [ id% [ , id2% [ , high_id2% ] ] ] OUT collision% SPHOME id% , origin_x# , origin_y# SPHOME id% OUT origin_x# , origin_y# SPLINK id% , parent_id% SPLINK id% OUT parent_id% SPOFS id% , x#? , y#? [ , z# ] SPOFS id% [ , coordinate_system_flag% ] OUT x# , y# [ , z# ] SPPAGE page% SPPAGE OUT page% SPROT id% , angle% SPROT id% OUT angle% SPSCALE id% , scale_x% , scale_y% SPSCALE id% OUT scale_x% , scale_y% SPSET id% , definition% SPSET id% , grp_x% , grp_y% [ , width% , height% ] [ , attribute% ] SPSET definition OUT id% SPSET grp_x% , grp_y% , width% , height% , attribute% OUT id% SPSET low_id% , high_id% , definition% OUT id% SPSET low_id% , high_id% , grp_x% , grp_y% , width% , height% , attribute% OUT id% SPSHOW id% SPSTART [ id% ] SPSTOP [ id% ] SPUSED id% OUT used% SPUNLINK id% SPVAR id% , variable% , value# SPVAR id% , variable% OUT value# SQR number# OUT square_root# STICK [ system% ] OUT x# , y# STICKEX [ system% ] OUT x# , y# STR$ number# OUT number$ SUBST$ string$ , start% [ , delete_length% ] , substitute$ OUT string$ TALK [ message$ ] TALKCHK OUT talking% TALKSTOP TAN angle# OUT tangent# TANH angle# OUT hyperbolic_tangent# TMREAD [ time$ ] OUT hour% , minute% , second% TOUCH [ system% ] OUT time% , x% , y% UNSHIFT array[] , first_element VAL number$ OUT number# VISIBLE text% , graphics% , bg% , sprite% VSYNC [ frames% ] WAIT [ frames% ] WAVSET instrument% , attack% , decay% , sustain% , release% , samples$ [ , pitch% ] WAVSETA instrument% , attack% , decay% , sustain% , release% , samples%[] [ , pitch% [ , start% [ , end% ] ] ] WIDTH font_size% WIDTH OUT font_size% XSCREEN mode% [ , top_sprites% , top_bg_layers% ]

oh my

my Bulbasaur

Does this work with user-defined functions? Like

Replying to:spaceturtles
Does this work with user-defined functions? Like
no it's just notation