
How to use FORCESAVE to avoid save dialog

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Hello everyone Let me start by saying how much I appreciate this community. People have been very helpful in answering questions to my posts. I hope to be able to return the favor someday. Here is my question: I'm implementing a hi score board and need to save the updated scores etc. The function is working exactly like I want it - BUT I hate this dialogue box that comes up every time I update the file. I am using a simple TXT file to save the data... so am using the command:
I read the information on the SAVE command and have confirmed that I cannot use the extra FALSE argument at the end of the command (unlike with LOAD) SO.... I looked at the SOLIDGUNNER source code and see it has reference to a system variable FORCESAVE. Immediately before issuing the SAVE command the code sets FORCESAVE to TRUE. Alas I tried this in my code but the dreaded dialog box came up anyway. Is there an easy answer to my conundrum? Thanks in advance

Argh. Stupid autocorrect got me on thread title. Sorry guys. Can an administrator fix FORCRSAVE for me?

The FORCESAVE variable was for the Petit Computer Magazine Volume 1 that was released in Japan. It has no function in SmileBASIC. This means you need the save dialogs.

Thanks Perska. Hmm.... I could swear that when I first played SOLIDGUNNER (on my copy of Smilebasic) that no annoying save dialogs came up. Gotta go check that. If anyone has a creative way around save dialogs I am all ears!

I think the ability is only granted to programs that are republished into the magazines. That way, users can't create "viruses" in their programs.

I wrote a couple of functions that read and write arrays to PRG slots which might help: http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?fpid=2537#post_2537 Saving to a PRG slot is temporary though. You'll still need to use the save function at some point... Maybe add a "save and quit" feature to your game, similar to the animal crossing games?

I think the ability is only granted to programs that are republished into the magazines. That way, users can't create "viruses" in their programs.
JustGreat: Ah... this makes perfect sense as to "why" the annoying SAVE dialogs. Thanks!
I wrote a couple of functions that read and write arrays to PRG slots which might help: http://smilebasicsource.com/forum?fpid=2537#post_2537 Saving to a PRG slot is temporary though. You'll still need to use the save function at some point... Maybe add a "save and quit" feature to your game, similar to the animal crossing games?
Ezman : This is a great idea! No reason that I need to save high scores until the user exits the program. I will definitely take a look at what you've done in your other post. THANKS!

Keep in mind that if you don't like the annoying sound that goes with the system save dialogue, you can turn SYSBEEP off before the save and on again afterward.

Couldn't you just edit one of the games with FORCESAVE on it and use that?

no. FORCESAVE does nothing in the normal version of SB

no. FORCESAVE does nothing in the normal version of SB
What if you took force save out of the program, then put it back in all in the editor? If someone could somehow find a loophole in the forcesave it would be amazing. Does it even exist in our version?

no. FORCESAVE does nothing in the normal version of SB
What if you took force save out of the program, then put it back in all in the editor? If someone could somehow find a loophole in the forcesave it would be amazing. Does it even exist in our version?
The system variable doesn't exist. No highlight, throws Undefined variable when strict is on.

My reaction when I see that this thread is still going:

TL;DR FORCESAVE doesn't exist. (lock thread plz)

My reaction when I see that this thread is still going: