How To Basic Unfinished(Demo)
Root / Submissions / [.]
I don’t think this was going anywhere, so I removed the key. I might come back to this later, but for now it will remain like so.
I wasn’t really expecting anyone to like this at all, it’s barely even a game, yet. I’ll be sure to mAKe tHeSe wOrDs vaLId iN thE NeXT upDatE.
Replying to:
What is this game even about? I saw that it ends at the BACKCOLOR input so there's not really much to make out from this.
I know it’s not really clear what this game is supposed to be (probably because I put, maybe, two days of rushed work into it), but when I update it sometime, it will be a lot better and more like what I originally wanted it to be like.
When's later?