Homebrewscum of the smilebasic sort is over if you update to the latest 3ds firmware, 11.1.0-34.
Homebrew Thread
Homebrewscum of the smilebasic sort is over if you update to the latest 3ds firmware, 11.1.0-34. http://i.imgur.com/wzT9Q3y.jpg http://gbatemp.net/threads/11-1-0-34-firmware-update-out.441519/So now you can't play SB without updating on the newest firm?
I tried uploading, wouldn't let me >:( Now updating my a1lhHomebrewscum of the smilebasic sort is over if you update to the latest 3ds firmware, 11.1.0-34. http://i.imgur.com/wzT9Q3y.jpg http://gbatemp.net/threads/11-1-0-34-firmware-update-out.441519/So now you can't play SB without updating on the newest firm?
I H*CKING UPDATED MY 3DS now I cant do the homebrews
You couldn't get a9lh since 10.4 patched system downgrading, January 25th, 2016.Actually, you can still downgrade. You just need 2 systems, one must already have CFW.
Well it's not that simple you see. :p 10.4 patched memchunkhax2 which temporarily stopped downgrades as you couldn't get the AM service (publicly anyway, i.e. snshax and heaphax were available but remained undiscovered). memchunhax2.1 reenabled downgrades until 11.0. 11.0 patched memchunkhax2.1 (svchax) and downgrading titles with AM (finally). Downgrading native firm with known-plaintext attacks to reenable the above techniques is still alive as of 11.1. (through dsiware transfer and hardmod).You couldn't get a9lh since 10.4 patched system downgrading, January 25th, 2016.I think it was patched on 10.5.
goto homebrew site and it should say OOTHAX and BASEHAXbasehax-Homebrew on the Pokmon Omega and Alpha, you need the base and to rename it to do this. OOTHAX- an Orcirina of Time exploit. you will need powersaves, and alot of random stuff. basehax is the most recemonded [for good gamers]
HOMEBREW IS NOW AVALIBLEWhat do you mean base has is recommended for good gamers, are you trying to offend people who played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?goto homebrew site and it should say OOTHAX and BASEHAXbasehax-Homebrew on the Pokmon Omega and Alpha, you need the base and to rename it to do this. OOTHAX- an Orcirina of Time exploit. you will need powersaves, and alot of random stuff. basehax is the most recemonded [for good gamers]
Holy crap, there's 10 pages with "Show twice as many posts", and 19 without! This is probably one of the longest threads on SBS!