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Programming it, definitely. Most of it, though, was just knowledge that I accumulated through time doing what I love. :)
Oh, that's an interesting secrete. It makes you wonder why they don't document all the overloads (if you will) of the functions.
Really? The way I am determining the wind order is OpenGL style with the "shoelace" algorithm. I take the points and I take it from there. Regardless of whether you correct the y-axis (as I did in the example program) or not, you get the answer you expect to see based on the points.
So I am a little confused by what you mean. Since clockwise/counter-clockwise is relative to how a clock goes around.
If you could point me towards a page or something explaining it that would be great.
meh, i was tired and confused, ignore it please
haha, I spent a portion of my day questioning what I thought was the definition of clockwise :3
I can recount many a time when I have done things on the notion of being tired *cough**cough*. Well I hope you enjoy the library!