GAME4Shooter with 50+ Cheats
Root / Submissions / [.]
Pretty self explanatory, it's just GAME4SHOOTER with some cheats I found.
New Version: 1.7.1
Useless VAR Screen
Summon THE DEMON (Boss Mod, See thumbnail to understand what it is)
Boss Bypass
lmao forgot to remove that nvr mind ill keep that lol
Replying to:
Is this a game that you made, or a game that someone else made where you just changed some variables to do “cheats”?
Do you know how to read?
Replying to:
Is this a game that you made, or a game that someone else made where you just changed some variables to do “cheats”?
...OH I forgot that Game4Shooter was one of the demo games lol
you can do multiple at once
It confused me that you have to press A to make it work
Summon the demon is awesome, I wish it were less laggy.
lol yeah i was happy when i found that one out xD
A way you could make it less laggy is
look at this if you want the cheat spoiled, or you've seen it.
by making it spawn like, 50 less bosses lolIsn't the game called 「ダンマク シュティング ゲーム II」?