Might make SBS readonly: thread

Fix for flashing text

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If your text in your program is glitchy then you just have to put a wait command in the code:
Print "blah blah stuff i'm typing blah blah

I'm not sure this is a very helpful resource, other than being a quick fix (theres a better quick fix too...) Things you might want to consider: Why does the text flash? Why use WAIT over something like VSYNC? Does the screen actually have to be cleared for your use case?

Replying to:kldck_hul
I'm not sure this is a very helpful resource, other than being a quick fix (theres a better quick fix too...) Things you might want to consider: Why does the text flash? Why use WAIT over something like VSYNC? Does the screen actually have to be cleared for your use case?
I think the biggest question you should ask yourself is "why am I printing static text in a loop?"

VSYNC is better

Replying to:kldck_hul
I'm not sure this is a very helpful resource, other than being a quick fix (theres a better quick fix too...) Things you might want to consider: Why does the text flash? Why use WAIT over something like VSYNC? Does the screen actually have to be cleared for your use case?
Ideally you would do: WHILE 1 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT "blah blah stuff i'm typing blah blah" WEND

Replying to:kldck_hul
I'm not sure this is a very helpful resource, other than being a quick fix (theres a better quick fix too...) Things you might want to consider: Why does the text flash? Why use WAIT over something like VSYNC? Does the screen actually have to be cleared for your use case?
When you do want to clear the screen, you should do it right BEFORE displaying, not after, as in
Print "blah blah stuff i'm typing blah blah"

Replying to:kldck_hul
I'm not sure this is a very helpful resource, other than being a quick fix (theres a better quick fix too...) Things you might want to consider: Why does the text flash? Why use WAIT over something like VSYNC? Does the screen actually have to be cleared for your use case?
To add to what Lumage is saying: You want to have a pretty picture on screen before you start doing calculations that might take a while. That way the player has something to look at.