Dev Gadget (help appreciated)
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As a few of you may know, I was developing an application called Dev Tool. The purpose of the app was to replace the Smile Tool with something more appealing and useful. Unfortunately, I recently closed the project due to sloppy coding, buggy menus, and overall confusing UI. But, I've decided to take on the challenge of creating a new app called Dev Gadget. For the past few days, I've been working on the menus and title screen. Here's a screenshot:
Here, you can suggest features you wish for me to add. I'll be here every once in awhile to add them to my to-do list.
I'll use this method instead so I don't have to clear all the text every time I use the function. But, I'll keep the other function in case of a patch.One more question: Is there a way to detect if the user is currently using the SMILE Button?PRGSIZE() will return 0 when a program runs from the tool slot, which is abnormal behavior.