Might make SBS readonly: thread

Bug Reports [OLD]

Root / Site Discussion / [.]

Successive replies. Does this help? I'm not currently capable of useful thoughts.
OK fixed. Sorry about that; should've realized.

The main image of a featured page is stretched when it isn't in the same aspect ratio. This does not occur in the large preview box when you click on it, though. EDIT: This also happens on the program page list.

The main image of a featured page is stretched when it isn't in the same aspect ratio. This does not occur in the large preview box when you click on it, though. EDIT: This also happens on the program page list.
This is because the image is not hosted on our domain and so I cannot use the generated thumbnail with the correct aspect ratio. The solution is either to make the placard images only fill the width they can and preserve the aspect ratio (which makes the placards look ridiculous, particularly for really tall or really wide images) or do some crazy javascript/css hack which I really dislike doing. In my opinion, the messed up aspect ratio on only images hosted outside our domain is the least of the evils. Edit: I mean I don't know, maybe there's an easy way. I'll research it some other time.

The main image of a featured page is stretched when it isn't in the same aspect ratio. This does not occur in the large preview box when you click on it, though. EDIT: This also happens on the program page list.
This is because the image is not hosted on our domain and so I cannot use the generated thumbnail with the correct aspect ratio. The solution is either to make the placard images only fill the width they can and preserve the aspect ratio (which makes the placards look ridiculous, particularly for really tall or really wide images) or do some crazy javascript/css hack which I really dislike doing. In my opinion, the messed up aspect ratio on only images hosted outside our domain is the least of the evils. Edit: I mean I don't know, maybe there's an easy way. I'll research it some other time.
You couldn't make clones of the URL images like you do with avatars?

You couldn't make clones of the URL images like you do with avatars?
No, copyright is a mess.

Here is an issue that is not so much a bug as poor design. I spent forever trying to submit a program to no avail with the form saying. Could not Upload page. There is probably a page with that title already I finally found out that it was because the program size was this: 1.83 KB (not counting example app) instead of this 1.83 KB So yeah. That needs better status messages, but kudos to you for making a site that is almost completely functional on the 3DS browser :)

oh uhhhh.... I don't remember making the "size" field that small, but I guess I did. I guess I'll get around to better page error handling someday.

When I changed my avatar and went into chat, it did not update. I refreshed, then I closed the tab, then I restarted the browser, then my computer. It doesn't update my avatar. Help meh plz

When I changed my avatar and went into chat, it did not update. I refreshed, then I closed the tab, then I restarted the browser, then my computer. It doesn't update my avatar. Help meh plz
Can confirm. Even me reloading doesn't reset his avatar.

Well the avatars are back

Well the avatars are back
I hope this is fixed soon.

The snow theme and the confetti theme lag me way too much. Is there a way to make these themes less resource-consuming?

turn them off.

Every time I go into chat it gives me this message You could not be authenticated Reason: Couldn't authenticate because your user information couldn't be found I tried logging out then back in, but no dice. Any ideas?

Oh wow, chat finally let me in. Still I wouldnt mind some sort of explanation for it.

Oh wow, chat finally let me in. Still I wouldnt mind some sort of explanation for it.
I think it was because your user information couldn't be found

When you use the Dark, Snow and Confetti themes, readability in some zones is bad :(.

When you use the Dark, Snow and Confetti themes, readability in some zones is bad :(.
I can't make every combination of anything work well together. Sorry.

They appear in this order in Edit Mode: But they appear in this order on the page: Please fix <3

They appear in this order in Edit Mode: correct order But they appear in this order on the page: wtf is this Please fix <3
I'm so sorry. I don't know why nobody mentioned this before! It's fixed now.