Someone make the crystal face thing from tron classic.
3D Model Maker
Root / Submissions / [.]
Meshes are 3D models to use in your 3D games. Think of any model in a 3D game. These are meshes composed of a whole bunch of triangles
Were you talking about the thing I mentioned? The reply button keeps things neater. Anyways. What's the magnet feature for?
this isn't a reply go away
"those hands didn't come from the 3D model, maker but it is possible." is a comment
yes and I'm not replying to it
go awayyyyy
My top screen is broken and I tried to make it appear on the bottom screen, but it didn't work
it's for when you have a triangle near others and it will "snap on" if the distance between two points is less than 0.05 units away.
My bottom screen displays things fine but it's no longer a touchscreen.
it's not that... its the program.
What...? You said your top screen is broken. Unless you meant the code in your program for displaying things on the top is broken that might make more sense.
SpaceTurtles: how do you type keys without the touchscreen?
I don't. Well, not until Christmas.
At least itโs only 5 days away
I wish I could have said that a few months ago XD