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So, this is a different kind of question because I'm not really asking to solve a particular problem, but do we know exactly why no image is displayed for BG character 0? I'm thinking that maybe if I understand that better, I'll be able to use BG tiles better. It seems to me that having no image for BG tile 0 is a drawback. To cover the screen in writeable BG tiles, you can't do a regular loop through from 0 to whatever, you've got to offset on either the x or the y axis, which I think wastes a lot of BG tiles. (Crap, didn't know I can't edit the title after posting. If some VIP wants to edit the title to, like, BGPUT character 0, that'd be great) Edit: I think I should elaborate a little more on why I think it's a waste. Say you want to display an image consistent over multiple BG tiles. BG character 0 has no image, so you're stuck with not using either a whole row or column of the BG page.

I think the point is that tiledata of 0 is forced to represent empty transparent space by default so there's guaranteed to be an "empty" tile. If you use tile 0 and use attributes it will display, it's just if the tiledata bitset itself is entirely 0.

I think the point is that tiledata of 0 is forced to represent empty transparent space by default so there's guaranteed to be an "empty" tile. If you use tile 0 and use attributes it will display, it's just if the tiledata bitset itself is entirely 0.

It's probably to avoid rendering empty tiles. BG layers always exist, so if tile 0 was rendered, it would always be displaying 15*25*4*2 polygons (with the default layer sizes) Anyway just add #BGROT180+#BGREVV+#BGREVH to the tile id.